Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, November 24, 2024
Pray, Pray, Pray; the Only Way to End This Terrible Division Is Prayer, It Is Not a Human Domain
Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Lady to Gérard in France on November 22, 2024

The Virgin Mary:
My dear children, I see clearly what you are doing in the face of division. Pray, pray, pray; the only way to end this terrible division is prayer, it is not a human domain. Only God can annihilate what is evil on this earth that He wanted to shine brightly like His Glory. Why do you hesitate when I call you to Confession: Yes, you Christians, Catholics, you live in division. How do you expect the world to do well if you fight? You say: I am, I am. No, no and no! I love you. I am your Mother, your Queen; obey me. Amen †
My dear children, My Friends in whom I place My Trust. Repent of your sins, for the time is coming when I will intervene. My Father will give Me the defeat of the forces of evil. He is sending Me to save you. No one else can do it. I await your Voice and I come, that is why you are asked to pray, to pray. Ask and you shall receive. Have a pure heart, a pure soul, the burden I have borne is your sins. Amen †
In an uncertain world, only I can save you. Amen †
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we bless you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. May your courage lead you to follow Us in everything you ask. Peace in your hearts, I come to your aid. Love Me, I love you. Amen †
"I consecrate the world, Lord, to Your Sacred Heart",
"I consecrate the world, Virgin Mary, to Your Immaculate Heart",
"I consecrate the world, St. Joseph, to Your fatherhood",
"I consecrate the world to You, St. Michael, protect it with Your wings." Amen †