Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
The Warning Is at the Gates! You Are in the End Times!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on November 16, 2024

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Holy Trinity blesses you.
God the Father embraces you in His Bosom and gives you of Himself.
Be proud that you have been chosen for this mission, My children, an important mission, a mission that you must carry out until the end, with strength and joy.
God the Father, will shortly give a mandate to Mary Most Holy to reach you, She is already in your midst, but She will manifest in the flesh, She will take you by the hand and lead you on the path that you must cross for the end of this battle.
Satanis raging, he is destroying My Creation, he is bringing this Humanity to its knees, which does not realize what it must suffer, its eyes are blindfolded, its heart closed, is in the hands of Satan, they see good what he presents: ...his laws,permissiveness!
Life has become a great misery, sin predominates over man, Jesus can no longer look at these children, the pain is immense, His Heart still drips blood.
Join your hands to those of the Blessed Mother, abandon yourselves completely to Mary to be led by Her on the way that leads to resurrection, to glory in God the Father.
You will be children of the Most High, you will be placed in a New Land where you will enjoy every good thing.
My children, the hour has come, shortly you will be summoned before the Most High, the Warning is at the gates, the hour marks ever hotter, the clock is about to strike its last gong. You are in the end times, My children,now you will see with your own eyes the fulfillment of all the prophecies foretold.
The Truth is in the Heart of the Father, there is no other truth in the world!
Love one another, be united among yourselves, pray for one another, support one another, not stand before the things of the world but go forward.
This Christmas will be a different Christmas for each of My children, a Christmas that will come in the silence of your own heart, a Christmas with Jesus with you, each of you will be with Jesus in your own heart.
Do not abandon yourselves to the glare of the world, Jesus is not in these lights, Jesus is in your heart, He wants to be with you, next to you forever.
You will soon be put in a different condition, you will be brought into a new dimension and you will be filled with every good thing in God.
Go ahead, meet the demands of your Creator, fulfill the demands of this salvific project and put yourselves in unceasing prayer, surrendering yourselves to the hands of your Blessed Mother.
May the blessing of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit descend upon each of you.
Take this blessing to your homes, mark them with this blessing.
Source: ➥