Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, November 3, 2024
A New Earth Is Ready to Be Inhabited by My Chosen Ones
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on November 1, 2024

The dawn of the new day is coming in its total magnificence in God!
My angels, oh you who possess faith in Me, oh you who serve Me with true love, oh you who follow Me by proclaiming Me to the world, verily I say unto you: stand ready, with your shoes on your feet, your staff in your hand and your hips girded: ... I am about to call My elect by name, I am about to manifest Myself to the world as the one and only true God, I am about to proclaim to you eternal life in love and joy in Me.
A new earth is ready to be inhabited by My elect , those who have renounced life in this world to possess eternity in Me.
My children, beloved ones of Divine Love, I, your God the King, anticipate My intervention to snatch you away from the malodorous life on this Earth, I come with My Most Holy Mother to take you by the hand and guide you to the New Pasture.
My Beloved people, what a disaster you have been, but, now I will provide to change your lives, tell Me that you love Me, that you long to renounce sin and I will take you on My arms and place you where everything is in the wonders of the Creator: will have a new world, full of love, you will be eternally happy and you will be Mine forever.
A devastating fire is about to hit the Earth, men will understand their mistakes, but for many it will be late.
I open My House to My holy people, I call My children to Me, I have longed for this day, I will re-embrace My beloved ones and shelter them in Me forever: you will dance and sing with Me, rejoice in the Things of God!
My children, beloved ones of My Most Sacred Heart, you will soon delight in My All.
I love you, I long for you, I await the moment of our meeting forever.
Source: ➥