Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, October 31, 2024
We the Great Triune Are United with the Little Creature, You!
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to the Sons and Daughters of the Lamb of the Immaculate Conception, Apostolate of Mercy in USA on October 4, 2024

Today children, the Divine Will is everything. Do not take it lightly, consider it as food and life to the soul who lives in the Divine Will. My Will is for you to be obedient, listen and learn.
There are many in My church who will try to suppress the truth, the truth of My Divine Will. You must open yourselves up to accept all that I give you to be ready to serve and ready to be able to act in My Will, morning, noon and night – all hours are you to be living and breathing My Will. This becomes the norm when you totally abandon yourselves into the Divine Will. There are many church leaders who prefer nothing else but to stop and suppress My Will that are within Luísa’s writings, but I shall surpass all their attempts of silencing Luisa and My Truth. No other work is as important as this because it calls the creature back to the Creator and unites one to the holiness of God. Yes, children ONE – YOU BECOME ONE WITH YOUR CREATOR, this is your great destiny to be living in the WILL OF THE FATHER, SON AND HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD.
We the great Triune are united with the little creature, you! I say this with great joy, yet there is a vast number of people who know nothing about this great work of My Will. But you My children of the Divine Will are about to bring forth a greatness in your little acts and this will bring about the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We in heaven have been waiting for this to come forth and YES, IT IS HERE.
Please continue your work in the Divine Will and act in accordance with learning and living in My Will. I will be with you and will assist you further, now is the time for the birthing pains will soon bring forth this new era of peace. You will witness the truth on a monumental scale – yes, many things exposed and revealed including within the church. I have waited until now to uncover the secrets that have suppressed humanity. I am giving you this gift of Truth to open your eyes and let your hearts be aware of the hardships of humanity caused by many who have wounded the human race with lies, coverups, suppression of knowledge and deception on a grand scale. It is here, it is now, the Trumpet has sounded, and humanity is about to uncover the Treasures of Truth. Be little, humble yourselves before the greatness of God and accept His Mercy for He is about to set the captives free. You My littles ones in the Divine Will, be at peace knowing you are walking in My Will. I love you all, I am with you always.
Jesus, your Crucified King.
Source: ➥