Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, August 23, 2024
The Conflict in the Middle East is Escalating into a World War
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Melanie in Germany from August 4, 2024

Jesus Love - Fighter jets over Europe - World War III begins in the Middle East -
UK Prime Minister Starmer is about to make a momentous mistake -
Jesus' life and His love for people
Jesus appears to the seer Melanie. He shows her various images.
Jesus first tells her about His life. He tells the seer that He has been very much misunderstood. In His time, many did not understand Him although He only wanted to spread love and the truth.
The truth that people are connected to God and that He speaks to them and through them. One can dwell in this connection.
Nevertheless, Jesus did not allow himself to be dissuaded. He remained true to Himself. He remained faithful because of what He had understood and why He had come to deliver it. He was fully aware of this.
He did not allow Himself to be swayed no matter what was done to Him. He wanted to prove His love. The love that the Father is capable of.
He wanted to present and spread among people the miracles that the Almighty Father is capable of because He had understood what miracles the Almighty Father is capable of and through the Father the people too. Jesus wants to give us the opportunity to spread this divine form of love here on earth and bring it closer to the people.
He is still trying to bring this form of love to people today through those who are willing to let it spread like wildfire.
Jesus loves everyone. His love is not limited or restricted.
It has no conditions. He loves everyone - everyone unconditionally, everyone infinitely, everyone just as they are. We can trust in this.
This love sustains us. This love can carry us through life if we leave everything to Him, He says.
The more we can surrender to Him, the better He will take care of us because our ego, our personality, our wealth of experience, and our limited thinking cannot interfere.
The more we surrender everything to Him, the more He can let pure love, pure order, pure beauty and perfection come to us.
War in Europe
The vision now changes. The seer sees the sky full of jets flying side by side in rows. They are dropping umbrellas.
There is war in Europe. Germany could also be affected. The warning sound of an air strike is heard.
She sees that Jesus is very sad. He regrets something. His heart feels heavy and sad.
The beginning of World War 3
Jesus asks the seer to drop all her assumptions and everything she thought she knew so far and to look at what He wants to show her in a completely neutral way. She endeavors to comply.
It is about the beginning of the Third World War.
The seer sees a very large military airplane. A sudden flash of lightning comes from it.
The seer perceives a heavy, unpleasant feeling as if she had a stone in her stomach. She finds herself in a desert landscape on an orange-red sand with scattered rock formations.
An enormous explosion occurs in the distance and a shatteringly strong jolt emanates from it.
The seer appears to be in a rather small town above which the enormous explosion occurred. There is a weekly market there with market stalls made of white tents. It seems to be in the Middle East. Military planes fly over the town.
A very wide rivulet of blood forms in the sand at the edge of the town. This means that there has been massive bloodshed.
A very sad and shocking sight.
The picture changes to a very large city in the Middle East. The area is hot and you can see the shimmering heat. There is a large, white building, a kind of church with a large, white, round dome in the western architectural style. A massive bomb explosion also occurs in the middle of this city. The bomb was dropped from the air. The city is on fire.
Several cities are under attack. It is a conflict in the Middle East. She sees on a map how the conflict is spreading.
The seer sees the sky full of unfamiliar objects floating towards the earth.
They are relatively small, nail-shaped, pointed and a small black bow connects the tips of small white umbrellas.
It's like a carpet of these objects being lowered over the city. It looks like a kind of weapon.
The picture changes. A skyscraper on the outskirts of a city. It seems as if something is flying into this skyscraper or as if it is being shot at.
A passenger plane with vacationers flies over the city.
A particularly large, dark jet flies into the picture and slowly descends. More jets land behind it. There is a small USA flag on one of the jets and a British flag on the other. The jets appear to be in a hangar.
The seer keeps thinking about Palestine.
Great Britain
Jesus says: “ One last picture for today."
The seer sees swans flying. She sees the British Prime Minister Keir Starmer who has sent out a large number of swans - i.e. British jets.
It looks as if he wants to appear decisive without knowing what he is getting himself into. He would bring serious danger over England.
He seems insecure because he has a difficult decision to make.
The seer receives an assignment in this regard.
Finally, there is a feeling that something big is about to happen. A vision of a solitary explosion in the background creates a strange feeling.
An announcement that an old prophecy will come true.
This is where the vision ends.
The messages are announced, without a judgment of the Roman Catholic Church.
copyright © Melanie 2024
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