Messages from Diverse Sources


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

God the Father Almighty Plans Things Long Before They Happen. My Statue Was Built by Virtue of the Holy Spirit, through Men Who Prayed Night and Day, Who Knew the Truth

Message from Most Holy Virgin Mary and John "Little Hat" to the Holy Trinity Love Group at the Grotto “Most Holy Mary of the Bridge” – Partinico, Palermo, Italy on August 21, 2024



My children, I am the Immaculate Conception, I am She who gave birth to the Word, I am the Mother of Jesus and your mother, I have descended with great power, together with My Son Jesus and God the Father Almighty, the Holy Trinity is here among you.

My children, you are here by My will, I have called you, I have also called other My children who have not heeded My call, I tell you this to make you understand that evil is very strong and you must not underestimate it, he will never give up, he will always try, so that the plans of God the Father Almighty will not be realized, and when he fails to do so he does what he can to slow down the times that God the Father Almighty mighty has established, the times of truth, the times that all things hidden throughout the world come to light, evil deceives many with lies, and those who are deceived fail to recognize it, because they refuse to pray, because they do not want to listen to the calls that come from Heaven. All this has always existed since ancient times, evil does not accept defeat, setting itself against God the Father Almighty even though it knows that he will be annihilated when the world is finally proven. Souls belong to the Creator of everything and everyone.

My children, you who have been called to know the extraordinary history that belongs to this place, to this Cave, be persevering, do not be discouraged, this Cave so humble, so insignificant to the world, contains many secrets, here for many centuries there has been My Statue, God the Father Almighty plans things long before they happen, My Statue was built by virtue of the Holy Spirit, through men who prayed night and day, who knew the truth.

In very ancient times, those who followed My Son Jesus were persecuted, the Holy Trinity there helped with tangible signs, the Community who built My Statue was protected by the Archangels, they were guided by John the Baptist, they passed on the teachings they received from Heaven, they often hid and after building the Statue they had a very great fear, knowing that what they had built was not liked by those who were against Christianity.

They prayed intensely, asking Heaven and the Archangels to protect My Statue, which began to perform wonders and began to give many signs in their midst, to the point that they could no longer hide it. When evil was unleashed wanting to destroy My Statue, they were so afraid, the Archangel Gabriel manifested himself to the Community to announce to them the future of My Statue, telling them not to fear, it will be protected by the Archangel Michael who will lead it to a safe place, telling them that they would be remembered in history for creating My Statue. And so Archangel Michael kept by the will of God the Father Almighty My Statue here, in this Cave, which was not yet visible to the world, but there would be the times of the ages that My Statue would do wonders, that of My appearances here to My son John and the return of My Statue here, were the last wonders. All this the world will come to know when My miraculous Statue returns here, it will be one of the signs the world will speak, because

there will be no explanation of such events. all this is part of the signs that God the Father Almighty will give to mankind of His presence, so that souls may repent. Many will come here, I ask you to persevere, God the Father Almighty reserved for Himself an Angel, My son John, sent to this world so that this story will be known through Him, that is why He saw My Statue here, I revealed to Him the origin and the mysteries of My Statue, He will speak to you saying what I revealed to Him on that day.


Brothers, sisters, that day Mary revealed to Me the greatness and importance of Her Statue.

She said to Me, “John, God works great things so that all His children can be saved. My Statue represents the love that God has for His children, It is special, It is the workings of the Holy Spirit, It represents the humility and love that simple men showed to the Holy Trinity, giving their lives so that it could be accomplished as God had determined.”

She said to Me again, “John, this Statue has worked great wonders, My hands have caressed many pure souls who have believed in the importance of the prodigy, see John, My little son Jesus has given great signs in My arms, My feet have trodden the earth, all this before many people.”

At that moment My body began to tremble, for I was understanding the greatness that My eyes could not see.


My children, this must also be remembered in the book that will soon be completed, many things will be clearer when you understand that the things of Heaven must be seen with a pure heart. My son John , whom everyone called Little Hat for his simplicity, for his gestures, for his bows, did not know that he was an Angel that God the Father Almighty would use to carry on the story of My Statue, and to remember all its origins. My son John, besides having My Apparitions, was surrounded and protected by the Archangels, He was never alone, He besides all this had another gift, I would speak to him in dreams, he would see Me in dreams, and even in dreams I guided him until the day he left this world. My children, be willing to do the will of God the Father Almighty, My invitation is just that for you and for anyone.

I love you, I love you, I love you, My son John always looked at the sky, you do it too because you all have to reach Heaven, and when My son John looked at the sky he always repeated a sentence that he wants to say to you today.


Blue sky, Heavenly Paradise, let Me soon be able to reach you, thank you.


My daughter, now I must leave you, My son John is happy for you who feel love for Him, pray to Him asking Him for intercession, because soon, when the book is finished, He will give signs to confirm the truth that is in the book.

I give you a kiss My children, and bless you all in the name of Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Shalom! Peace My children.

Source: ➥