Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, August 17, 2024
To Share with You the Love of My Holy Mother for All Her Children on This Great Feast of Hers, Assumption into Heaven
Message from Our Savior, Jesus Christ to Anna Marie, an Apostle of the Green Scapular, in Houston, Texas, USA on August 15, 2024

Anna Marie: My Lord, I hear You calling me. My Lord, are You Father, Son or Holy Spirit?
Jesus: It is I, your Lord God and Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.
Anna Marie: Yes my dear Lord, may I ask You please? Will You bow down and adore God Your Holy Eternal Merciful Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible?
Jesus: Yes My dear one, I your Divine Savior, Jesus of Mercy, will now and will always bow down and adore My Holy Eternal Merciful Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible.
Anna Marie: Please speak my holy Lord, for Your sinful servant is now listening. My Lord, I surrender my hearing unto the obedience of Holy Spirit.
Jesus: My dear one, I know you have much to do today and I know you will complete your work. I have called you to share with you the love of My Holy Mother for all Her children on this great Feast of Hers,
Assumption into Heaven.
Jesus: All the holy Saints and Angels were awaiting Her to come into our Heavenly Kingdom before She was assumed into Heaven. The anticipation was so great. The Angels prepared a new and beautiful song for Her Reception and it was the most lovely orchestra, that all of Heaven still rejoices when it is performed. Her beauty could not be eclipsed by any other creature. She was illuminated in grace that could almost blind everyone. It certainly would have if those who saw Her radiating light had still been living humans.
Jesus: She ran into My arms and I held Her for some time. Her love of Me, fulfilled My every want of a Mother’s love. My Heavenly Father greeted Her with a beautiful Crown of gold with amazing gems imbedded in the circumference of Her Crown. My Father then crowned Her, “Queen of Heaven and Earth”. She is the Queen of all Angels and Saints, of all humans living on earth. I have freely given Her to the world to be loved, as She too loves all humans, holy Angels and Saints in Heaven.
Jesus: She, My little one, is a true advocate for all those living on earth and are in great need of her intercession. So I encourage all My beloved children to continue to turn to Her Motherly Love when in desperation. She will not deny any soul who pleads for Her intercession.
Anna Marie: Thank You my Lord. Will I share this with others my dear Jesus?
Jesus: Yes, I ask that You do so.
Anna Marie: Yes my Lord. Thank You Jesus. Praise You Heavenly Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit for selecting holy Mother Mary to be our Queen Mother too. We all love You dear sweet Jesus and we honor Your, most holy Mother Mary.
Jesus: I love you all and so does My holy Mother, Mary. That is all.
Source: ➥