Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, August 15, 2024
I Ask You to Bring My Love Everywhere, the World Is So Much in Need of Love, Pure Love
Message from Most Holy Virgin Mary and John Little Hat to the Holy Trinity Love Group at the Grotto “Most Holy Mary of the Bridge” – Partinico, Palermo, Italy on August 15, 2024 - Assumption Day of the Blessed Virgin Mary

My children, I am the Immaculate Conception, I am She who gave birth to the Word, I am the Mother of Jesus and your mother, I have descended with great power, together with My Son Jesus and God the Father Almighty, the Holy Trinity is here among you.
The presence of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael is very strong in your midst, they have formed a powerful barrier so that evil stays away from you, from your thoughts, they always protect all those who pray from the heart.
My children, I am very happy for all of you here present, by coming here you are showing Me your love, I ask you to bring My love everywhere, the world is so much in need of love, pure love, many are in search of love and get carried away by strong temptations, which leads to losing the way of salvation.
My children, today as always is a special day, the world remembers My Assumption into Heaven, many signs I give all over the world on this day to all who believe in Me. I guide you, I have always guided all My children in this world, I began to be your Mother when My Son Jesus entrusted Me with the Apostle John, I lived in his house after the death and Resurrection of My Son Jesus, many things I taught Him, the Apostle who lived more than anyone else in this world by the will of God the Father Almighty, He witnessed my Assumption into Heaven together with My daughter Mary Magdalene, at that time He was always next to me, one day not far away they will tell you what they experienced together with me.
I wished to speak to you about this, here in this humble cave where My son John lived whom everyone called Little Hat, He also ascended to heaven with His body, He was an Angel in this world, there are many Angels in this world that you do not recognize, they are marked by God the Father Almighty from the day of their birth in this world, they are filled with love, only words of love, of comfort come out of their mouths, they are very wise and understand many things, note these characteristics well because these Angels help souls to come closer to pure love, even if they do not know prayer, many in this world will be judged by their actions, souls living in sin carry the burden of their mistakes, so My children try to recognize the good and the bad.
Today I wish to reveal to you, that the Apostle John appeared to Little Hat, the little Shepherd whom everyone ignored, but who was the Angel they met on their way, My son John today will tell you about that Apparition, for him it was a preparation to reach Heaven. That day John was on his knees for many hours, he did not know why, and in his mind he kept asking himself questions.
I was on my knees that day, my flock was with me, I was praying as the Angels had taught me, I felt an immense joy, there was an air of celebration and I did not understand, I was thinking of Mary but the joy was different, I could not understand what was happening.
As I was praying I saw the Archangels behind me, they said, “John, don't be afraid, a gift from Heaven you are about to receive, today is a great feast in Heaven and you belong to Heaven and you must rejoice and celebrate with us, Mary is Assumed into Heaven, Mary is mother of the whole world.”
I said, “Gentlemen, I want to celebrate with you, what can I do?”
“John, Heaven will still give you joy, you must know that Jesus entrusted all men under the protection of His Mother Mary, through the Apostle John, He will speak to you, You will see Him.”
At that moment I saw a very white light, the Apostle John came to me, calling, “Little hat, My brother, come here.”
“I approached Him, ‘My brother,’ he said to me, ”Mary was a mother to Me, She gave Me Her immense love, as She is doing to You, God to exalt Her purity, the Assumption into Heaven in Soul and Body, because She did not belong to this world, but belonged to the Holy Trinity.”
I said to him, “John who is the Holy Trinity?”
He replied, “Little Hat, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit form the Holy Trinity, Mary is the Bride of the Holy Spirit, She belongs to the Holy Trinity.”
“Thank you John,” I said, “I did not know all that.”
“Little hat, My brother, someday You will reach Heaven, understand, You are an Angel and You also belong to Heaven, You are on this world because the Father through Your love, desires to save the souls of those who harm You.” “John, I am overjoyed to know that with a simple greeting, I can save the souls of these brothers of mine.”
A silence was created, and at that moment Little Hat saw the Apostle John ascend into heaven.
My children, this must be remembered in the book that will soon be complete, persevere in coming here, for the mysteries that belong to this cave are many, here you can sense the presence of Heaven if you will allow yourself to be enlightened by the Holy Spirit who extends His light to all who desire it.
I love you, I love you, I love you, now I must leave you, My son Little Hat is coming with Me and soon we will speak to you again.
I give you a kiss and bless you all, in the name of Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Shalom! Peace My children.