Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, August 10, 2024
Be Consoling Souls of Jesus in Gethsemane, Be Consoling Souls of the Sacred United Hearts of Jesus and Mary
Message from the Angel Lechitiel to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on August 5, 2024

Praised be Jesus Christ...
It is I, it is I... the Angel Lechitiel, the Angel of the Holy Gethsemane of the Garden of Olives.
Brothers, offer your suffering to Jesus. Brothers, offer your pains, your sorrows, your anxieties to the Most Divine and Beloved Son of the Father: the Word incarnate.
Just as I consoled Jesus at the beginning of His Holy Passion in the Garden of Olives, I also console you. I console your afflicted hearts, I console your much, much exacerbated souls.
Invoke Me, pray to Me, and I will help you.
Be consoling souls of Jesus in Gethsemane, be consoling souls of the sacred United Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
Pray, pray the Angelic Crown*. Pray it with all your heart, with all your faith, with all your devotion. Pray to Us, the Angels of the Lord, and you will have great graces, and you will have infinite privileges from the Throne of the Most Holy, Eternal and Indivisible Trinity of Everlasting Love.
I am among you, I love you, I bless you and I give you the peace that flows from the Most Divine Heart of Jesus, the only true Christ, the only true Redeemer of mankind, the only true Savior, the only true Healer, Liberator.
Trust, trust in the Divine Name of Jesus: the Name that is above every other name, and you will have peace of heart, and you will have Light in your intellect, and you will have great consolation.
If you will invoke Me, I will give you great, great consolation, and I will obtain for you infinite graces from the Divine Heart of Jesus. Keep on, keep on praying and meditating on the twenty Mysteries of the Rosary, so dear, so pleasing to the Immaculate Virgin, the Coredemptrix Virgin, the Mediatrix of Grace, the Ark of Eternal Salvation, the first Tabernacle of Eucharistic Jesus.
Continue to pray the Twenty Mysteries of the Rosary every 5th day of the month in this holy place, in this place so dear to the Most Holy Trinity, so dear to Heaven, so dear to Us the Angels of the Lord, to the Saints and the Blessed and to the Souls of Paradise.
This place is God's chosen place to manifest His Infinite Mercy, to manifest His great conversion for all people. This place is kissed by the Lord's Grace, this place is visited by the Paraclete Spirit, by the Divine Spirit. This place is a place of grace, it is a place of peace, it is a place of Love, it is a place of healing, of conversion, of deliverance. It is a place of Reconciliation. The Blessed Garden is a place where hearts make the gentle encounter with the Father of Love. The Blessed Garden is a place where hearts make the gentle encounter with this Most Sweet Father, with this Father most tender, forgiving, good, compassionate, slow to anger, full of compassion, always ready to forgive you.
God is always ready to forgive, but you must repent, you must repent, you must feel sorrow for your sins. God is always ready to forgive you, to bless you, to welcome you -- because His Compassions are not finished, because His Mercy is great, because His Mercy is infinite. God loves you, God blesses you, God welcomes you, God spreads His Royal Mantle over you, over your families, over your homes, over your children, over the youth.
God blesses you, God loves you, God forgives you always because God is Love, because God is Mercy, because God desires to save all souls, especially the souls furthest from Him, the souls that have been lost, the souls that have gone astray along the way ... the exacerbated souls, the souls that have totally lost their faith because of pain.
God desires to recover these His sheep. I bless you with My angelic blessing... in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Do not forget who spoke to you: the Angel of Holy Gethsemane, the Angel of the Garden of Olives: the Angel Lechitiel.
Chaplet to St. Michael and the 9 Angelic Choirs*