Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, August 1, 2024
Faithful Children, …You Will Reign with Me in the New Era …
Message from God The Fathery to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on July 30, 2024

Flower of My Garden, beloved My bride, it is I Who speak to you, your Lord God, the living God! Love Me as always, be a woman of faith and charity, be the Image and likeness of your God Love.
Rise new in Me, O woman, put on your festive garb and await My coming, .... is imminent!
Thunder to the world My return in glory, shout to My beloved children that I exist and that they will soon see Me: it will be an examination of conscience, an acknowledgment of yourselves as sinners! You must in all humility prostrate yourselves to Me, acknowledge Me as the one and only true God, the Creator! He who out of love came down from Heaven to save man from the condition of sin and lead him back to where it all began: ...Paradise!
In the enlightenment of conscience, if he will recognize himself as a sinner and ask for forgiveness with a contrite heart, he will return to enjoy that lost Eden.
I turn the last pages of the book of Truth, I open My Sacred Heart to you, I give you more of Me, I weep and sweat blood, I suffer for you who have betrayed Me!
Behold, I am offering Myself again for your salvation. Return quickly to Me, the world is in great danger, you will not overcome this catastrophe,
oh you who mock Me,
oh you who still crucify Me,
oh you who tear at My flesh!!!
oh you miserable sinners,
oh you traitors,
oh you who deceive My little ones for your economic growth,
oh you lost creatures,
...what will you say to Me when I raise the Cup of salvation and declare My Supremacy over all things? Will you understand that nothing you possess you will take with you? ...NO!!!
It is the end of an old time, all things will be transformed, I will raise My chosen ones to Me and destroy all that is not in Me.
Faithful children, oh you who have renounced the world, who have accepted poverty in order to follow Me, verily I say to you, here I am to you, I bring you the gift of eternal life, I fill you with graces with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, I make you kings with Me, you will reign with Me in the new Age, you will worship Me eternally, and you will enjoy My All forever!
The bitter chalice of death is coming, those who will come to Me, still with their sins and apologize, will not be able to access the New Era of peace, love and joy, they will be torn apart by demons and will suffer a hundred times more than they have made their brothers and sisters suffer through pride and greed of possession.
Thunder My voice, Heaven commands obedience to the Creator God!
They roll the drums to death, the pace is slow, the heart will break in despair: will understand, will see your defeat, O you who have risen to god on Earth.
Enough! Arrows will snap, blood will flow in rivers, I will not be able to save those who have offended Me again and again and again. Enough!
God the Father the Almighty Jhawè
Source: ➥