Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Archangel Michael, Glorious and Luminous Warrior: Sustain Us in Our Struggle against Satan and His Pharisaic Synagogue
Message of St. Michael the Archangel to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on July 23, 2024

***Saint Michael the Archangel arrives, wearing armor.
I am here, I am Saint Michael the Archangel. Always pray to Me, invoke Me with confidence and I will deliver you from the Evil One.
Entrust yourselves to Me, surrender yourselves to Me, Angelic Warrior.
Pray the ANGELIC CROWN and carry My Medal above you. Turn away from evil. Renounce vices, bad habits. Say no to Satan.
Do not consult magicians, soothsayers. Free yourselves from every amulet.
Pray to the seven Archangels of Yahweh, remain united with Jesus, steadfast in the Tradition of true belief.
Shalom, beloved children of Jesus and Mary.
Shalom, consoling souls.
Shalom, True Church of the Last Times.
I bless you with My angelic blessing. Pray to Me thus:
Archangel Michael, Glorious and Luminous Warrior: sustain us in our struggle against Satan and his Pharisaic synagogue.
Bless us and deliver us from all evil. Give us peace of heart with Divine Love. Enlighten our minds with Your Trinitarian Light and make us meekly accept the call of Our Coredemptrix Mother, now Virgin of Reconciliation.
Cover us with Thy Wings and defend us with Thy Holy Sword.
To Thy foot we resort to crush Lucifer, Prince of this world of darkness. St. Michael help us Thou now and always. AMEN.
I with St. Joan of Arc protect the Garden and the Little FLOCK. Mary and St. John the Evangelist guide and represent the True Church.
Pray to Me, I will listen to you. Shalom beloved My soldiers. The instruments of the Evil One soon perished, Maranatha.