Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, July 27, 2024
What My Son John Experienced Will Be the One That Will Help Convert Many Souls
Message from Most Holy Virgin Mary, John Little Hat and the Archangels St. Gabriel and St. Raphael to the Holy Trinity Love Group at the Grotto “Most Holy Mary of the Bridge” – Partinico, Palermo, Italy on July 24, 2024

My children, make three bows marking yourselves with the sign of the Cross, one at a time coming here in front of the cave.
The Most Holy Trinity is here and you must honor her, this must be done every time you come here, you must not forget this. I taught it to My Son John in honor of the Most Holy Trinity and this must be written in the book, many who in the future will come here who cannot make it to bow down because of their illnesses will be healed and will kneel before this humble cave, recognizing that here they have been miraculously healed through the intercession of My Son John, which will be known throughout the world through the book you are to spread in all languages. We will help you to do all this because Our will is that this design here, which is planned by God the Father Almighty from centuries past, be realized.
My Statue has been here many centuries, this place has undergone transformations, but My Statue has always been here at every age and every age has done wonders. What My Son John experienced will be the one that will help convert many souls not only from this place, not only from Palermo, but many souls living all over the world, because this extraordinary story will involve their souls, believe it because Mary Most Holy of the Bridge is not a legend but it is the truth, and the signs that will take place will be tangible. All those who have known this place and have not persevered will regret not having done so, because those who will do it to the end will be rewarded, all those who have contributed with their presence, with their love to spread this story, will be remembered in the book, their names will be listed on the last day that My Son John will speak to conclude the book, so My children, believe it and begin to give importance to this truth, even if your eyes see nothing but an abandoned cave, neglected like so many others, but this is My dwelling place because My Statue will return here.
My children, on this day, My son John had many emotions, the Archangels assisted him continuously, even when He did not see them. My son John who is here, wants to tell you about some emotions he had on this day, He is full of love and knows no malice of this world, that is why his eyes saw more than a cave, for Him it was a castle that his Father Sun and Mother Moon had given him.
My son John whom everyone called Little Hat, is about to speak to you.
Brothers, sisters, I am John Little Hat, I am very happy to be able to speak to you, I wish to tell you about the beautiful moments that I have experienced here in My home, in the home of Mary. On this special day, My heart was filled with joy, I did not know what I would experience, but joy, the joy of Heaven, enveloped Me from the early hours of the morning, I could not rest, the Archangels were with Me and prepared Me to receive the grace that once again came to Me. I said:
"Gentlemen, My heart is bursting with joy and love, I will see Mary." And they, the Archangels, said to Me, "John, we are here so that you will be ready to receive what Heaven is about to give you."
"Gentlemen, Heaven is going to give Me something great today, I can feel it." "John have faith and wait, today Heaven will give you a surprise, Mary will speak to you about everything you will experience, pray John, pray John, the things of Heaven must be earned with humility and unceasing prayer."
"Gentlemen I will pray that I may be ready, but you do not leave Me." "John, Our task is to watch over you and this place very dear to Mary and Heavenly Father."
That day, I asked the Archangels particularly to assist John, because although he was happy, he was accompanied by a great fear that he could not explain. The Archangel Gabriel stood on his right, The Archangel Raphael stood on his left, they too are about to speak to you, to tell you what happened that day. The clothes he wore John, were found in this place, they took them to throw them away because the one who found them did not know John, they were taken then by Archangel Gabriel and miraculously they were found far away from here, the Archangel Raphael will tell you where.
Brothers and sisters, I am The Archangel Gabriel, that day in the early hours of the morning John was here, He was afraid of what was going to happen, because We Archangels had announced to Him that Mary was to appear here, and He knew that it was the last time that Mary would come here, but He knew that afterwards He would ascend to Heaven. I together with Archangel Raphael were here and we prepared and cast out fear, and John thanked us after that, because He did not know how to cast out fear. Brothers and sisters, John was very simple, He did not understand the malice of this world, He trusted Us Archangels from the first moment, because His heart was open to the love of Heaven.
Brothers, sisters, it is I, the Archangel Raphael, am here to tell you what I said to John in those moments. Early in the morning in John grew a strong fear, something He had never felt before, He began to sweat, His breathing became labored, at Our Sight He calmed down but not completely. I said to Him, "John why are You afraid? I know that You have put Your trust in God, You have nothing to fear, Your soul knows what is to come."
At that moment John burst into weeping, but I said to Him, "Rejoice John, this is the last purification, what awaits you is very, very great," I came very close to Him, almost touching Him, John felt a strong warmth that completely healed his mind and heart.
"The world will need You so much in the future, rejoice John, You are a miracle of God." After His ascent to Heaven, His clothes were carried by the river current to the rock not far from the Bridge, to the left coming down the path, whenever you are there lean out and donate a sign of the Cross, for those clothes were the last thing that belonged to John in this world.
My children, even today we have given you an important piece, be reaching the end of this story, although we will continue to tell you the mysteries that belong to this cave every time you come here. The book will be a summary, but it will be enough to be an instrument, to make known the truth of this place, because a legend has always been spread, for the world is easier to believe legends than truth. My children, My son John still wishes to tell you something to help you believe with your heart.
Brothers, sisters, thank you, I ask you: persevere, for the joys will be immense, be very humble so that you may understand all that Heaven reveals to you. I was alone, I had My little flock and the nature that God gave us, and for Me it was everything, I felt loved just looking at the beauty of My Daddy Sun, simplicity will help you to open your heart more and more to the greatness of Heaven.
I love you brothers and sisters, thank you.
My children, now in a loud voice, raising our arms to Heaven we say: Sun, thank you for being there, Sun, thank you for warming us, Sun, thank you for enlightening us. God the Father Almighty always manifests Himself through the sun. My children, now I must leave you, I love you, I love you, I kiss you and bless you all, in the name of Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Shalom! Peace My children.