Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, July 13, 2024
My Children, This My Call Is Not a Joke!
Message from The Holy Trinity to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on July 6, 2024

The Holy Trinity blesses you. In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
On this Hill, presides St. Michael the Archangel with His army.
My beloved children, flowers of My field, you, new shoots of life in Me, will be holy and will live in a world of wonders because I, God the Father, will embrace you to Me, bring you into Me, satiate you with Me: ...long days, long life, long joy for the Children of God!
Turn away now from the things of the world, turn away for good and carry out My plan.
The hour beats bitterly on Earth, the politicians are causing a great tragedy, among the nations there will be a conflict that will lead the world to be a place of death.
Soon you will be called to My refuges,places that I have made ready for My Children, for all those whom I Myself will call by name and lead through My Angels to these abodes. They will be converted Children, Children who will embrace the holy Gospel, worship God and never depart from Him again because they will enter into Him.
My blessed creatures, oh you who have given your yes to your God Love, to your God Creator, you will be rewarded with so much joy, you will have a new Earth and you will have a new family, you will live eternally in love and joy in God; you will have eternal happiness in Love.
My children, build yourselves a new heart, a pure heart, set out for holiness, choose to be holy, close your eyes to the world, to the seductions of Satan.
Blood is already flowing in the streets of this world, soon the Earth will be a pool of blood! Nations will fight each other, it will be an unsustainable war, never before! In their madness men prepare with nuclear power, but, it will not be the end for the Earth, for God will intervene before the Planet is completely destroyed.
Advance with conviction in My plan, listen to My Word, My suggestions, keep My commandments.
I am at your side, My children, even if you do not see Me, do not notice Me, My presence among you, but soon you will see Me and know My greatness.
Go forward with strength, I bless you In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Second locution
A great roar, then a great silence, ... and afterwards, cries of despair will be heard in all parts of the earth.
Many will come to Me on their knees, ask for My help, beg for My mercy!
My children, how long, still, must I call you back to conversion of heart?
Why do you wait to live through the tragedy to cry out My Name? ... to ask Me for help? Acknowledge Me now that you are in time, I want your conversion now, not later!
Love Me now, do not wait to seek Me in misfortune! My children, you are too distracted by the things of the world, still planning your vacations, your travels, wanting to know new lands, new seas, new mountains, and you do not notice that everything is moving in evil:
Seas are churning, mountains are crashing, rivers are overflowing, volcanoes are opening and lava is flowing down into cities: soon a volcano will overwhelm a city and it will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. .... where do you want to go My children? Where do you want to go?
The time is short, My Children!!!... The time is short!!! Suddenly everything will be unleashed!
Beloved children, call Me Father, ...convert! Return to Him who created you, let there be in you a sincere and pure heart, give Him your all.
Beloved Children, do not plan your future on Earth, your future is only in Me, the Absolute Good, do not be dazzled by Satan's false lights, ... it is all false, My children, you do not realize what you are heading for.
Satan wants to destroy this Planet and Humanity; he has given battle to God, he wants to destroy everything that belongs to God, everything that God loves, especially His Creature.
My children, I am announcing to you that the time is over, that now this world as you know it will end! The history of this old world comes to an end here: of sin, of terror!
Satan has twisted things on this earth! He has even altered the DNA of My Children: ...poor Satan, what will happen to you??! You who did not want to accept that I was the one and only true God!
You who wanted to take My place! Now I will show you, as you already know well, My power. I will drive you into the bowels of the earth, I will put you in chains! ...Never again, never again will I allow you to use My Children against Me, your story ends here! ... I will leave you to meditate in your Hell in pain and gnashing of teeth.
I will take back in Me all My Children, those you stole from Me, not a single one nor will I leave to you, you will be alone with your own, you will remain in Hell struggling with your misery.
My Children, this My call is not a joke! God is calling His Children to conversion, man must open his eyes and his heart to his God Love, he must return to his Creator, he must leave the world now, he must accept God's call for his own salvation! You will not lose anything; on the contrary, you will acquire much more in the new earth.
Oh, men! All that you have on earth will return to dust, nothing will remain in your hands, nothing! Return to Me lest you lose the most precious thing: your life!
I am calling you to salvation, save yourselves My children, allow your God to save you.
Now the earth will shake, it will topple, it will stop suddenly and it will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, let Me catch you before this happens.
The Holy Trinity.
Source: ➥