Messages from Diverse Sources


Thursday, July 11, 2024

My Children, Fatima Is God’s Warning, Open Your Hearts, Your Eyes and Your Ears, so That You May Save Your Souls While There Is Still Time

Message from Most Holy Virgin Mary and Jacinta of Fatima to the Holy Trinity Love Group in Oliveto Citra, Salerno, Italy on July 7, 2023, First Sunday of the Month


My children, I am the Immaculate Conception, I am She who gave birth to the Word, I am the Mother of Jesus and your Mother, I have descended with great power, together with My Son Jesus and God the Father Almighty, the Holy Trinity are in your midst.

My children, listen to My Words with your heart, for they lead you to eternal life, even if this world fascinates you, it was not created to make you slaves to the things of this world. You belong to heaven, do not become more and more attached to power, to dominion, for no one can manage souls, for all souls belong to God the Father Almighty. Those who are lost and by their own choice, pray that this will not happen. Many choose to follow evil through sin, the mighty ones of this world do their will without fear, without being guided by the Holy Spirit who points out the rules and commandments that must be obeyed so that man can live worthily in this world, which has been given to you to understand the greatness of God the Father Almighty, to praise Him, for what He has given you through His nature. That is why I love all places like this, where evil is not there, but not all of you understand it. Peace is a gift that comes from Heaven, joy is a gift that comes from Heaven, Oliveto Citra will be known as Fatima, there is always My Presence there, from My Apparition there began the end of times, which you are experiencing, times of Mercy, of invitations to prayer, to conversion, accept My invitations before the great chastisements begin, with natural events that no powerful person of this world can foresee. The innocent souls who will be in danger will go to Heaven, but they will suffer much, they will be martyrs because the world needs them, because sin abounds in this world. satan possesses many souls, he hides himself very well by giving you what you desire of this world, he makes you realize only for a moment, and after a little while he takes you with him into sadness, confusion, fighting, leading you to acts of despair.

My children, you who pray, do it more and more, defend yourselves with prayer, and lead everyone you meet on the road, where you pray, where you love.

The Secret that I gave at Fatima is almost all revealed, there are still some things missing, the most important ones that will soon be revealed to you, the Three Little Shepherds never betrayed My trust, even if they were threatened, many times Jacinta was threatened even when her body was suffering, that is why her body is incorrupt, the Church does not highlight the tangible miracles that the Holy Trinity worked in this world.

My daughter Jacinta is here, she wants to talk to you, she will tell you about the dialogue she had with Me when her body suffered, but her heart rejoiced.


Little brothers, little sisters, I am Your Little Sister Jacinta, I have longed to speak to you, to tell you so many things that have not been revealed to you. Our Lady was always by My side, She never left My hand, especially in the most difficult moments, when I was taken to Lisbon in the hospital, She appeared to Me more than once, She told Me many things that She had already told Lucia, She showed Me many things and made Me understand the importance of what She was telling Me. One day She opened Her hands and said to Me: do you see Jacinta this water? But I did not see anything, She told Me: close your eyes and look at it with your heart, from Her hands I saw water, She told Me: do you see how transparent it is? God thus created the world, but the world has soiled it by committing grave sins. I asked: madam what can I do? She answered Me: you can only pray that so many souls will be converted, offer these Your sufferings to Our Lord and teach it to those around You, in that room I was not alone, My pains were very strong, but I tried to endure, I tried to imitate Our Lord. After a few days, a person whom I did not know came into the room, he began to ask Me many questions, but I could not speak, I had promised Our Lady, he insisted on knowing, but I did not speak, but in My heart I asked Our Lady for help, but he continued.

Suddenly I saw a light, It was a Angel who stood by Me, He was helping Me not to be afraid, although that person still insisted, but I had the strength despite what He told Me was bad. The Angel told Me: good Jacinta, Our Lady is happy, you showed Her that She can trust you.

After a while I also saw Our Lady again.


My children, that person who spoke with Jacinta, was a Bishop sent by the Holy Father, who reported what he had experienced with that sinless child, and so that they already began to prepare everything to Sanctify the Little Shepherds of Fatima, those who left this world long before My daughter Lucia.

My children, Fatima is God's warning, open your hearts, your eyes and your ears, so that you may save your souls while there is still time. I love you all My children, immensely, I always ask for Mercy for humanity, but time is running out, the corrupt Church will fall completely and everyone will realize it. I love you, now I have to leave you, My daughter Jacinta is going with Me, I give you a kiss My children, and I bless you all, in the name of Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Shalom! Peace My children.

Source: ➥