Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
The Time Is Approaching When All of Your Country and All Countries Will Be Living in Daily Turmoil
Message from Our Heavenly Mother, Mary to Anna Marie, an Apostle of the Green Scapular, in Houston, Texas, USA on June 23, 2024

Anna Marie: My Dearest Mother, are You calling me?
Mother Mary: Yes My dear one. I your Heavenly Mother, Mary, am calling you.
Anna Marie: Dear Heavenly Mother Mary, may I ask You please? Will You bow down and adore Jesus Christ, Your only begotten Son, who was born in Bethlehem, and raised in Nazareth. As a man, was tortured, crucified and died on the Cross for all mankind’s sins. Who arose from the dead and ascended into Heaven where Jesus now sits at His Father’s right hand side to judge the living and the dead? (Dear Holy Spirit, I surrender my hearing into Your loving mercy.)
Mother Mary: Yes My dear one, I your Heavenly Mother, Mary, will now and will always bow down and adore My beloved and merciful Son, Jesus, who is the Christ and Son of our loving, merciful Father. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, raised in Nazareth and when He was a man, He was taken, tortured and crucified for all mankind’s sins. He died, was buried and He descended to the dead, arose and My Son ascended into Heaven where He now sits at the right hand side of His loving and Merciful Father to judge the living and the dead.
Anna Marie: Dear Mother, please speak for Your sinful servant is now listening.
Mother Mary: My beloved one, I know you have been struggling with many issues that are effecting your life. They are struggles that are not foreseeable, but do occur for many in their daily lives. It is good that you have handed them over to My Beloved Son to manage and take them into His Heart to help resolve them. Many forget that My Beloved Son wills to help each person manage the trials of their lives. So to surrender them and to ask My Beloved Son to resolve them in His own personal and merciful, loving way, is what all My children should do.
Anna Marie: Yes, Dearest Mother.
Mother Mary: My dear little one, the time is approaching when all of your country and all countries will be living in daily turmoil. The days are approaching very soon, that every one will be scared and will suffer greatly because of the Great War which is nearly upon all My children.
Mother Mary: My beloved Apostles must pray day and night for the mitigation of the cruel and ruthless future attack on your nation and other nations too. When this war begins, food will be scarce because your grocery stores will be locked up and the average man or woman will not be able to buy food. Please tell My beloved Apostles to continue to store food, water, medicine and all other supplies that they will require in order to feed and care for their families.
Mother Mary: The Wisdom of preparing is needed now. Prepare and pray daily because when your food and water supplies have depleted, many will turn to violence to obtain and steal from others who have prepared. Be on your guard and prepare to lock down your homes in order that you will not become a victim by others who use any opportunity to take what is not theirs, or who rape and kill just for their own pleasure.
Mother Mary: Pray My children, these days that I speak of are fast approaching and if you heed your Heavenly Mother, you will remain safe from the evil and wicked.
Anna Marie: Heavenly Mother, all Apostles love You, dearest, sweetest Heavenly Mother.
Mother Mary: I love all My beloved Apostles too. Your Heavenly Mother Mary.
Source: ➥