Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, June 23, 2024
Go and Proclaim the Gospel with Love and Peace!
Message of the Queen of the Rosary to Gisella in Trevignano Romano, Italy on June 22, 2024

Beloved children, thank you for responding to My call in your hearts and for bending your knees in prayer.
My children, be faithful to God. No one is greater than He! Pray for Peace in the world! Pray for the Church...! Pray children, for all those who because of some pastors, have hardened their hearts.
My children, approach Adoration, Confession and the Eucharist with devotion! Be ready to help your confused brethren, tell them that Jesus is waiting for them in His Arms of Mercy, to give them forgiveness if they repent...
Continue with Love on the Road of Truth and Faith! Do not retreat even for a moment. My Angels, they will always protect you!
I now leave you with My Motherly Blessing. In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit... Go and proclaim the Gospel with Love and Peace!
Lovingly, the Mother of God urges us to always be faithful to God, for "no one is greater than He." She invites us to pray for Peace, so threatened in the world today and present in so many places we do not even know. To pray for the Church, at this time of great trial, because of so many pastors who have lost the essence of their calling, which is that of holiness, because of "the hardening of their hearts," because they have "bent" to the wills of the world. The Virgin Mary urges us to approach the Sacrament of Confession and the Eucharist. To never forget the presence of Her Son in the Blessed Sacrament, present in all the tabernacles of the world, where He waits to be adored. "Let us "throw ourselves" with Love into the merciful arms of Jesus, who is ready to forgive us, the moment we repent for having outraged Him with our sins. Let us walk confidently on the "Road of Truth and Faith," guided by the Angels whom God has placed for each of us on our path to help us, in the hope that they will always help us. Finally, let us not forget every day to become authentic witnesses and true apostles of the Gospel.
Jesus bless us!
Source: ➥