Messages from Diverse Sources


Monday, June 17, 2024

…Do Not Participate in Satan’s Action, Do Not Allow him to Use You to Fight Me

Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on June 13, 2024


Come on, My little flower, God is with you, do not be afraid of anything, My hand will strike the enemy target.

This is My Word today to My beloved people:

From the depths of My Heart I cry My sorrow to you: ...My people, ungrateful people, do not be indifferent to My pain! I am your Father, your Creator God, I love My creature infinitely and I want to deliver it from the claws of Satan. Darkness grips the world, but man remains indifferent to all that happens.

The earth groans in its delivery, everything in it revolts against man who has destroyed its beauty, has withered God's lush gift with his pride and disregard for goodness. Satan has worked on the minds of men: they have become the living dead!

Jesus from the height of His Cross shows Himself in His infinite pain:

I gave all of Myself for your salvation,

I have humbled Myself, but you have not opened your hearts,

You blaspheme Me for all that happens of evil without reflecting on your iniquity, blame Me,...poor mankind!

Arise, O man, repent, awake from Satan's deception, he plays you for his deadly plan, nothing will ever be good under his dictatorship.

Come back to Me, child, do not give in to the serpent's hissing, ...he will kill you.

Come forth new into Me, O man, do not allow the devil to dominate you, rise up from the mire of death, return to your Creator. Collaborate in My Plan of salvation, today I ask you, O man, to give all of yourself for Me, your yes be faithful to Me.

I send you My prophets, do not trample on them, listen to them, they bring back My saying, My call for redemption. These children have made themselves available to My saving Project, they give themselves for the good of humanity. Love them and help them, pay attention to what they announce because is My Word that comes to you through them.

Be vigilant, O men, devastation is taking place, the earth is rejecting its pain. Convert, O men, keep yourselves in Me, give Me your faithful yes, do not participate in Satan's action, do not allow him to use you to fight Me.

I love you, My children, and I come to your aid, allow Me to deliver you, be docile to My call of love, do not fall into Lucifer's trap,

I have prepared for My people, My shelters, ...never shall their walls yield, for, I Myself will preside in them. Let them now be made welcoming for the arrival of Mary Coredemptrix!

I gather My people to Me, do not deviate from My teachings, O men, choose to live, not to die.

Onward My people! People of God! Fight with Me, be faithful to Me! Satan's ferocity will bring much pain, that is why I beseech you to guard yourselves in Me. Only in Me is salvation.

I love you infinitely.

I AM!!!!

Source: ➥