Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Bring Christ’s Love to the World As His Holy Apostles Did, You Can Do It, Believe It All
Message from Saint Rita of Cascia to the Holy Trinity Love Group in Oliveto Citra, Salerno, Italy on June 2, 2024, Corpus Christi Day

My beloved brothers and sisters, I am your sister Rita, bride of Christ, love the Cross, I chose it, every day I longed to hear the voice of Jesus in My heart, I prayed so much the Holy Rosary to our Mother Mary the Blessed Virgin.
One day, in a fervent prayer, She appeared to Me as if in a dream and said: Rita My daughter, you love My Son Jesus so much, you love to bring Him into the hearts of everyone, because you know that His love can do everything, there is no suffering that He cannot alleviate, there is no grace that He cannot grant if asked with the heart, you know that to Him nothing is impossible, and that is why you carry His word wherever He sends you, do the same for yourselves, carry His love into the world, there is so much need of it. Evil wants to ruin families, the Holy Family that Our Lord established, God will never allow it, but you must pray a lot, a lot, a lot and bring the Gospel of Christ into families, God's word cannot be changed, evil wants to try it through high institutions, but God will expose them, and the truth will always be shouted. The Cross of Jesus will always triumph in all times.
Our Mother Mary also said to Me: Rita you love to console the sufferings of My Son Jesus, He will give you His pain because you will alleviate it with prayers, I thanked Her for the love and strength She gave me, for the mission I had to carry out in this world, She was close to me every time I prayed, pray with your heart my beloved brothers and sisters and Our Mother Mary and Our beloved Jesus you will always feel them in your heart, but you must desire it, you must want it with all your strength.
Jesus is put on the Cross every day for so many sins that are committed, kiss His wounds every day and console Him and love Him in prayer as I did, He was always speaking to My heart, giving Me the strength to be able to give Him to My neighbor. My mission was to console the afflicted hearts of so many souls scattered in the world, and I never tired until His love triumphed, until so many souls were converted to His love, do it too, bring Christ's love to the world as His Holy Apostles did, you can do it, believe it all.
The Angels and Saints of Heaven will always accompany you, I love you so much and I always pray together with you, I know it cannot be easy for you, but open your hearts and everything will become possible. God exists is all the world will have to understand, He allows so much suffering so that all His children can return to Him and purify themselves from all sin. My beloved brothers and sisters, I love so much to speak to you and give you the love of Jesus, My mission has come to an end, but My love remains with you, Our brother Jesus blesses you all, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.