Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Pray for Naples, Pray for Italy, Pray for Europe, Pray for the Canary Islands, Pray for Venice
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on May 26, 2024

Rejoice, star of Love, God is with you.
Carry on the Work, do not give up, Satan is disrupting the hearts of My children, but I will intervene before he takes them with him.
Lucifer is the one who has given war to Heaven. In the time allotted to him he has turned Humanity upside down, ...he has succeeded in seizing many hearts and today he attempts his final blow, the mortal one, and if God does not intervene, it would be the end of everything.
My beloved daughter, I have a desire to hold My creatures close to Me, I will anticipate the time by intervening to purify Humanity and tidy up what Satan has soiled with sin.
Beloved children, prepare yourselves, the hour of division has come: ...those who will have recognized Me as God the Creator and followed Me according to My Laws will have the grace to enter the New Age to enjoy My infinite Good, while those who will have denied Me in order to prefer the world and follow Lucifer, behold they will go to his abode of eternal fire.
Pray, My children, pray for Naples, he will awaken in the great fire.
Pray, My children, pray for Italy, it will undergo a great earthquake, will be crossed from sea to sea.
Pray, My children, pray for Europe, the hour of its great suffering has come.
Pray for the Canary Islands: they will be submerged by the sea.
Pray, My children, pray for Venice: the sea will swallow it up.
Pray, My children, the antichrist is about to present himself to the world! He with his charm will captivate many men. He will present himself in the guise of a lamb, but know that he is the bad wolf.
Pray, My children, pray the Holy Rosary, consecrate yourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary Most Holy, She is the Coredemptrix in the Work of Salvation.
Shortly you will hear a great uproar coming from heaven: ... prepare yourselves, clothe yourselves with purity that God may renew you in spirit and truth.
The former things will disappear to make way for the Things of God! Men will know another life, have the transformation to children of God and enjoy the Things of God.
Abandon vain things, put on the new garment in you,
prepare yourselves for the Rapture!!!
Come to Me, O men, be converted!
I Am!!!
Source: ➥