Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, April 29, 2024
Children, Famine Is Coming! Be Cautious, Keep Stockpiling
Message of the Queen of the Rosary to Gisella in Trevignano Romano, Italy on April 21, 2024

Dear children, today you will receive a special blessing. Just as you are blessed by the Father, My Most Holy Son and the Holy Spirit. Children, thank you for being here on your knees in prayer. Beloved children, in our first meeting, I said that I had chosen you for the Faith, Love and Hope that you had in your hearts. You have passed all this on to your brothers, and many have come to the feet of My Jesus, repentant and in love. Now children, I ask you to pray for what may come...nuclear power, which is making its way to destroy humanity. All this, can be turned away with prayer and penance. Children, famine is coming! Be cautious, keep stockpiling.
My children, the city of the Seven Hills is in danger of great earthquakes. My Son, He will put His hand on those priests, bishops and cardinals who are scattering the flock, and on those who are creating confusion. They will be severely punished. This is the time of division-it will be in families, groups, friendships and the Church. Children, be united and love one another. Now I leave you with my motherly blessing in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, amen.
In this loving message, the warning given to us by the Mother of God should lead us to deep meditation. First and foremost, we must never forget, all the words and admonitions she has lovingly given us throughout these special years, which have enabled so many brothers and sisters to re-embrace the faith through the sacraments. As always, she invites us to prayer and penance, to mitigate the hatred and divisions caused by wars, which because of the hardness of the human heart, could result in the use of nuclear weapons to destroy humanity.
The Mother of God speaks to us of an impending famine, inviting us to "stock up." When She extends these invitations to us, She does not mean that only suddenly "food supplies" could run out, but that these could no longer be purchased, because of the soaring prices, which are afflicting millions of families, who really as time passes, could no longer be able to buy anything.
She also tells us about an "earthquake" that will hit the city of the seven hills, that is, Rome. But here, She does not speak of an earthquake understood as a natural phenomenon, but of a real spiritual cataclysm, which will hit the Church. All this will occur because of the unfaithfulness of so many of God's ministers, who are scattering His flock.
For this reason, Jesus although He is infinite Mercy, if they do not convert, He will have to use His Divine Justice. Jesus is Supreme Mercy, but He is also Supreme Justice. Let us not forget that the spirit of discord and division, will not only come upon the Church, but also in families and other organs of human society. Therefore, only if we remain united with Him through prayer and the sacraments, will we be saved from the spirit of Satan, who only aims to divide all of humanity. United of the Love of Jesus let us go forward!
Source: ➥