Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
I Ask You, Following Joseph’s Example, to Be Fully of God
Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, on the Feast of St. Joseph, to Pedro Regis in Anguera, Bahia, Brazil on March 19, 2024

Dear children, I invite you to imitate Joseph with His example of faith and trust in the Lord. Know that His life of faith is a great example for humanity. My Lord chose Him for a noble mission and He remained faithful to what the Lord entrusted to Him. His heart full of love and charity attracted everyone. A man of silence and prayer. He lived to serve the Lord and His neighbor.
When we were in Egypt and arrived in Assiut, we met Karim and his wife Danubia. Karim was a childhood friend of Joseph and His parents. In Assiut, Karim worked growing barley, dates and onions. With tears in His eyes, Karim embraced Joseph and welcomed us into his home for six months. His wife, a woman of great virtue, was blind in one eye and when she looked at Jesus in My arms, she began to see.
Joseph told them that there was Jesus, the Savior promised and announced by the prophets. Those were moments of immense joy for that family. Joseph guided him in his barley planting and advised him to produce other fruit. That immense valley near the Nile was fertile land. During our stay, Joseph built three boats to help Karim transport His produce. Joseph also helped the young men to make bricks so that they could earn their own living.
God chose Joseph and entrusted Him with extraordinary gifts. Joseph was faithful to the talents He received from the Lord. I ask you, following Joseph's example, to be fully of God. Don't let the things of the world keep you from the path of holiness. Open your hearts and let the Lord transform you. Heaven must always be your goal. Forward!
This is the message I am giving you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing Me to gather you here once again. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.
Source: ➥