Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, March 4, 2024
Believe in Me and I Will Help You and Lead You to Jesus
Message of Mary Most Holy of the High Sea to Mario D'Ignazio on January 22, 2024

Enter quickly into the Salvific Ark which I am, consecrating yourselves to Me.
I am Our Lady of the High Sea. Listen to Me. Follow Me. Pray to Me.
Dear children, pray the Rosary at home, in the family to ward off demons.
Satan goes around like a roaring lion to devour souls.
He has many assassins, emissaries, servants, anointed ones.
Be vigilant and do not trust.
Do not listen to bishops, priests and lay persecutors of the Divine Appeals.
They are excommunicated by God Himself now. They will go into perdition if they do not repent.
Anyone can be saved, just repent and make serious amends.
Anyone can fall, err, sin, but if you repent you are saved from eternal hell. Hell exists, it is real, and so many go there. Satan is convincing many that it does not exist, so you all sin and go there.
My children, repent and repent.
Do not blaspheme Jesus and Me anymore. No more blaspheming Us, no more insulting Us. No more atheism, occultism, communism! Enough!
I beg you, give up sin, vices, blasphemy, evil! Renounce Satan, source of discord, division, Aryan heresies.
I am the Ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of God, Immaculate Conception, Assumed into Heaven and UNIVERSAL Coredemptrix.
I love you. Love the CROSS, no longer despair.
Oh My beloved ones, how I love you and long to save you from Satan, the false church and the Hell of fire and brimstone.
There is such a thing as Gehenna. It exists! Do not believe in reincarnation and New Age. Be vigilant.
The UFOs... Aliens... They are not of God... They will close many churches. Statues will be removed. Beloved ones, it is time for SINCERE repentance, TO RETURN TO US OF THE HEAVEN, TO GIVE UP OWN VICE AND VANISH DESIRES.
Believe in Me and I will help you and lead you to Jesus, Redeemer Lamb, Prince of Peace and Love, JUSTICE AND TRUTH .
Accept meekly this Heavenly Appeal. Praise the Divine Trinity.
Great and worthy of all glory is the Eternal One.
The City of Our God is a holy place: let us prostrate ourselves to HIM.
Lord, we exalt Your Name. We wish to thank You for the Prodigies You have made us. You alone are God, Eternal in Heaven and on Earth.