Messages from Diverse Sources


Thursday, February 8, 2024

Anyone Who Eats His Flesh and Drinks His Blood Remains in Him and He in Them

Message from Our Lady of Emmitsburg to the World Through Gianna Talone Sullivan, Emmitsburg, ML, USA on February 6, 2024


My dear little children praised be Jesus.

In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God, and all things were made through Him. The LIGHT of Jesus is in His body and blood, His flesh, the Holy Eucharist. He heals you. Holy Eucharist IS His flesh and IS the healing LIGHT of Jesus. He heals you in body, mind, and spirit.

My Son’s whole mission was to come into this world to save you and to heal you.

People followed Him as He performed many miracles and cured people afflicted with diseases.

Just as quickly people followed Him and sought after Him for provisions and healing, they just as quickly mocked Him,betrayed Him, condemned Him, scourged Him, and killed Him. Take note, My children, that just as quickly as this happened to Him, it can happen to you in this current world situation. Be vigilant, be strong, and discern continuously.

Receive Holy Communion as often as you can. His flesh IS REAL, the LIGHT, the TRUTH, and the WAY. He didn’t just become a man but became the living flesh. He is the God of the spiritual and material. Jesus comes to YOU. He comes to heal you. As you eat His flesh, as in the days of eating the manna from heaven, God comes to YOU. He IS the manna that came down from heaven. He comes to heal your bodies, minds, and souls. You are fused to Him through your Faith. Sin infects you and He comes to repair and heal your body, mind, and spirit. Anyone who eats His flesh and drinks His blood remains in Him and He in them. Stay in the grace of My Son. Receive the Sacraments.

My children, fear not. He is God, He has redeemed you and has called you by name. You are His.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Ad Deum

Source: ➥