Messages from Diverse Sources


Thursday, February 1, 2024

Pray the Rosary Every Day and Repent from Unrighteous Ways

Message of the Virign Mary to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on December 30, 2023


The Virgin Mary appears dressed in white and says:

"Dear children, open your hearts to Jesus the Redeemer. Trust in Him alone, entrust yourselves to Him. Praise, pray, sing to Him Eternal Sun.

He is the Christ, the Anointed One of God, the Envoy.

Pray the Rosary every day and repent from unrighteous ways.

It is time to repent and truly believe.

Be Mine and Jesus', King of kings, Lord of lords.

Glory to His Holy Name.

Jesus is All for your souls, for you of the Little Remnant. You are in dark times. You are surrounded by demons, do not give up. Forward, do not retreat.

Mercy invoke for all. Mercy and eternal salvation. Pray, pray, pray.

Say MARANATHA, come Lord Jesus.

Hosanna, hallelujah. Glorify the HIGHEST FATHER. Jesus was born to redeem you from sin, from Satan, from the corrupt and corrupting world.

Rise up from your state of sin. Free yourselves from the torpor, from the confusion, from the spirit of the pagan and atheistic, materialistic world. I love you.

You of the Little Catholic Remnant, do not follow the satanic imposture of pagan Rome and the demonic synagogue of the Pharisees and Freemasons.

Do not follow the false church of darkness. Turn away from it quickly.

Shalom My children. I count only on the Little Flock now, follow Me always, follow Me joyfully.

The Little Remnant now is the True Church, and it has nothing to do with the false worldly and pagan church, led by Satan and his militia.

Satan will tempt many, he will try to take possession of My children and Instruments. Satan will tempt and derail many. Come on beloved children, come on."


