Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, January 29, 2024
Pray Near My Holy Image, and You Will Have Graces, Helps, Privileges
Message of Jesus Christ given to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on January 20, 2023

Beloved children, My children, I love you, bless you and embrace you.
You of the Little Remnant persevere in the Supernatural Way of FATIMA. Remain detached from the false church of Satan, synagogue of the new Pharisees, armed with hypocrisy against My devoted children and faithful servants.
I forgive anyone who repents, repents and changes his ways.
Anyone can err, sin, but repentance, contrition of penitent heart counts.
Pray to Me, pray to St. Faustina, My beloved bride.
The Message of Mercy is important, and must be rediscovered without abusing it.
I forgive, but I want a change of heart.
To the saved adulteress I said: go, and sin no more.
Likewise I say to all of you.
All err, fall, turn away from Me in periods, but you must return immediately to Me, Divine King, and regain a true Christian identity.
Be children in the Son, be in Me, be one with Me.
Pray near My Holy Image, and you will have graces, helps, privileges.
Honor Me, invoke Forgiveness, Mercy on the whole world, world sick of hatred, resentment, envy and killing.
Pray to Me and I will rescue you, I will help you. The Times are tightening.
Mercy will be followed by Justice, so repent, and believe the Gospel.
The Kingdom of God is near. Satan aspires to lose many souls, tempt everyone, even the elect, priests, Instruments.
Pray for them, and use mercy if you want My Forgiveness.
If you forgive, you will be forgiven by Me. Gather near the holy altars in your homes, and pray. Take Spiritual Communion often.
Pray the Rosary and the Chaplet to My Most Divine Mercy.
Follow the Way of Heaven, Way of Fatima. Repent, and do not listen to the ecumenical and heretical false church. Do not listen to those who curse this particular and unique Revelation.
Heaven is visiting you now in Brindisi, with the Manifestation of the CELESTIAL Court.
Accept meekly, without any resistance, this Appeal of Heaven, praising, thanking and blessing God the Trinity.
Heaven is visiting you, blessing you, guiding you to Brindisi.
Accept this Last Appeal of Conversion and Peace.
Remember that Brindisi continues Fatima and La Salette.
Treasure this unique and extraordinary Revelation, Divine Gift.
Reconcile yourselves with Me, your King and Lord.
Meditate on these Holy Messages of New Life. Spread them with perseverance and patience, praying for the unbelievers.
Brindisi continues Fatima, is authentic and comes from the Heart of the Almighty Father.
Docilely accept this Appeal, and truly convert.
In the months to come there will be many homicides and suicides. Do not fear, go ahead. Darkness has descended upon the Earth.
It envelops the nations. The darkness of sin, of iniquity, of evil.
The institutional church is very wounded, defiled, confused. That idol (Pachamama) should not have entered the Vatican, the Kachina doll either.
Pray, pray, do not forsake Me.
Come on chosen children, become part of My True Mystical Church soon, and enter the Ark of Salvation: Mary Virgin of Reconciliation, Queen of the Blessed Garden.
Pray, pray, pray. Do not fear the Adversary.
Consecrate yourselves to My Holy Face and to My Heart, to My Wounds, to My Precious Blood.
I am with My Little Remnant, True Remnant Church of the End Times.
Be vigilant and do not confide in the human, but in Me and My Mother. The human always disappoints, I do not.
Believe in Me. Believe that I save, heal, liberate, purify, sanctify.
Invoke My Infinite Mercy, trust in My Sacred Heart of Pure Love.
Immerse yourselves in It with your families.
The Times are times of darkness and confusion, bewilderment and despair. Do not fear, pray to Me, trust in Me, in My Forgiveness, and in My Infinite Love.
I bless you in My Most Holy Name of King and Savior.