Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, December 31, 2023
My Children the Greatest Gift the Lord God Has Given Us Is His Only Begotten Son
Message from Our Lady to Simona in Zaro di Ischia, Italy of December 26, 2023

I saw Mother was all dressed in white, on Her head a white veil and a crown of twelve stars, on Her shoulders a white mantle, in Her arms covered by the mantle Mother had baby Jesus in swaddling clothes, all around them were a myriad of angels big and small singing a sweet melody, and in the distance could be heard a sweet tolling of a bell.
Praise be to Jesus Christ
My children, here I am to bring you the Light, the true light that enlightens and warms, that sustains, that loves, that consoles, that heals, that guards, that light that renews everything, the true light that is Christ the Lord.
My children the greatest gift the Lord God has given us is His Only Begotten Son: God did not consider His divinity jealous but made himself like us, man among men, little among little ones, He gave His life for each of you, dying on the cross He defeated death. He gave Himself totally to us as Eucharistic bread, food for soul and body. My children love Him, adore Him, pray to Him, only in Him is there true joy, true love, true peace. Daughter pray with Me.
I prayed for a long time with Mother, then She resumed the message.
My children pray, pray for My beloved Church, pray for the Lord to send you good shepherds to guard and guide His flock, pray for the fate of this world, pray for all those who seek peace on wrong paths, pray My children and teach them to pray.
Now I give you My holy blessing.
Thank you for flocking to Me.