Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
My Children, Also This Evening I Ask You for Prayer for My Beloved Church
Message from Our Lady to Angela in Zaro di Ischia, Italy of December 8, 2023

This evening the Virgin Mary presented herself as the Immaculate Conception. She was all dressed in white, wrapped in a large, very light blue mantle that reached almost down to Her feet, which barefoot rested on the world. On the world was the serpent that She held in place with Her right foot. Her head was covered with a headdress, like a thin veil that reached to Her shoulders. On Her head was a crown of twelve shining stars. Her arms were open and in Her right hand She had a long rosary like light that reached almost down to Her feet. On Her breast the Virgin Mary had a heart of flesh crowned with thorns that throbbed. The Virgin Mary was shrouded in a great light and was surrounded by many angels singing a sweet melody. Before Mother came, the forest was as if lit up, then a ray of light as if silvery white. Then I saw the bell where the Virgin shows it to me every time. She was ringing in celebration.
Praised be Jesus Christ.
Dear children, rejoice with Me, pray with Me. I love you children, I love you immensely.
Beloved children, please live in peace and joy.
My children, live in prayer, let your life be prayer.
Beloved children, keep watch with Me in prayer and recollection, let prayer bring you to a continuous conversation with My Son Jesus.
My children, do not be afraid of trials!
(The Virgin Mary went into a long silence).
My beloved children, hard times await you, but I am beside you. Please be men and women of prayer, but above all be men and women of silence.
My children, also this evening I ask you for prayer for My beloved Church. Pray much for the Vicar of Christ, pray much for the Holy Spirit, pray that the authentic Magisterium of the Church will not be lost. The Church will go through trial and tribulation. Pray My children.
At this point, the Virgin Mary put Her hands together and said, "Daughter, let us pray together." We prayed for a long time and while I was praying I had some visions.
Then the Virgin Mary resumed speaking.
My children, I love you, I love you immensely, be light and live in joy. Be light for those who still live in darkness.
Finally She gave Her Holy Blessing. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.