Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, December 7, 2023
The Blessed Virgin Is Here in Our Midst: She Is Here at the Sacred Hill!
Message from Our Lady Queen to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on December 2, 2023

She ...
touches our hearts ... and imprints in them the sign of the Cross, symbol of Resurrection; She embraces us in the name of her Son Jesus Christ ... helps us to cross this valley of tears! At Her side we are protected from so many attacks of the Evil One; She sustains us in our falls, helps us to rise again! Today She says to us:
My blessed children, "Here I am!" I am always beside you: I am your Blessed Mother, I am the Mother of Jesus and your Mother. He has granted Me the grace of having you as My Children . at the foot of the Cross.
Here I am My Children:
I place you all under My Mantle, I keep you in Me! Do not be afraid of anything! Give battle to the enemy with the Rosary in your hands: ask our Lord Jesus Christ for "mercy"! Ask His Forgiveness for offending Him so many times with your falls, your thoughts, your wills... different from His.
Beloved My Children:
I cannot wait to take you to the New Land ... to make you put your bare feet on new, green meadows, filled with fragrant flowers and gushing spring water! In that meadow Jesus will manifest Himself in His greatness as the One and True God. He will make Himself small with His Children .... take them by the hand to play with Himself, offer them, all of Himself, ...His All, ...Absolute Good! Other Good there is not because He is the only Good.
Beloved My Children,
fight this battle by My side, so that you may be embraced by your Jesus, the One who gave His own life for your salvation! He offered Himself for you on the Cross: a terrible death... the end of a great torture suffered after His capture in Gethsemane: They tortured Him in all ways. Jesus is still agonizing My children, looking down on you from His Heaven and weeping,
weeps because He knows the pain you will have to go through, what He has already gone through, that is why ... He urges you to conversion, to return to God, to be Children of God and not of the world! He urges you to abandon all that is fallen!
Of this world, nothing belongs to you:
all that exists will be lost.... The Earth will be renewed in every way; not a crumb of what you know today will remain. Everything will be different! You too will be different My Children: renewed in will be new men, you will see with God's eyes, you will speak with "The" Word of will proclaim the grace God had in you and on your loved ones.
Filled with the Holy Spirit, you will be as beautiful as the Sun:
you will be in the Light because you are Children of the Light. Surrender yourselves to God's will, O men!
Beloved Children,
take in your hands the holy Rosary... and ask for Mary's help, ask Her to place Her hands on your hands every time you set out to pray. On Earth, everything that belongs to God will return to God!
Do not be afraid of anything! Repent and you will have comfort from God Himself. Go ahead! I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Source: ➥