Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
A ’Tremendous Disaster Is About to Strike Italy
Message from Our Savior Jesus Christ to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on December 2, 2023

Let Me be the one to lead you to Me!
See well, O bride of My Most Sacred Heart... My Intervention is "now" O woman! Follow My instructions and turn back no more; the time has come for it to be read in all its parts. A 'tremendous disaster is about to strike Italy.
My daughter, write what I tell you and ... do not change a comma from what I tell you:
My Passion is repeated on this foolish Humanity, deprived of all good because it has given itself to My enemy. Satan feasts in the hearts of men, imbues them with his poison and directs them to 'Hell.
Blessed children:
quickly open your hearts to Me, repent now, there is no more time to lose, the world is about to be hit by an asteroid, your world will change and everything will be in despair. Turn your hearts to Me: ask forgiveness for having offended Me ... ask for Mercy!!!
Coming quietly ... disaster ...
Poor Humanity!
The floodgates of heaven open, the Army with Saint Michael the Archangel is ready, the seven Archangels will guard the descent.
When everything is over ... and the storm has passed...
My Chalice will rise high in Heaven, I will declare the end of a time past and the beginning of the new. I send My sorrowful tears to you that you may feel their warmth. I weep for the loss of many children, I weep for what man will have to suffer because of his foolishness. My beloved Children, apostles of the last times, to you I address Me with tenderness and love.
I consecrate you to My Most Sacred Heart: I give you of Me.
Your time has come! Go and preach the Holy Gospel to all nations: recover souls My Children! Convert all Peoples. Amen!
Source: ➥