Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, December 3, 2023
My Children, I Love You and I Ask You for Prayer, Prayer for This World, Prayer for My Beloved Church
Message from Our Lady to Simona in Zaro di Ischia, Italy of November 26, 2023

I saw Mother, She was all dressed in white, on Her head a blue mantle that also covered Her shoulders and a crown of twelve stars. Mamma had Her arms outstretched in welcome and in Her right hand a long holy rosary beads made as if of ice drops. Mama's feet were barefoot and rested on the world, Mama's eyes filled with tears and a sweet smile.
Praised be Jesus Christ
My dear children, I love you and thank you that you have flocked to this call of Mine. My children, My children pray, pray.
I prayed for a long time with Mother then She resumed.
My children, I love you and I ask you for prayer, prayer for this world, prayer for My beloved Church. My children pray that the true magisterium of the Church may not be lost, pray for all those children of mine who betray Me, abandon Me, pray children for the Holy Father, pray children pray, the world needs prayer needs peace, needs good pastors, pray children pray.
Now I give you My holy blessing.
Thank you for flocking to Me.