Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Read and Contemplate the Holy Scriptures! This is the Word of God, My Word!
Apparition of the King of Mercy on November 25, 2023 to Manuela in Sievernich, Germany

I see a large golden ball of light hovering in the sky above us and nine smaller golden balls of light. A smaller ball of light is below the large golden ball of light. The large golden ball of light has four smaller balls of light to its right and left. The large ball of light opens and a wonderful light comes to us. From this beautiful light, the King of Mercy comes down to us. He wears the robe and mantle of His Precious Blood and the great golden royal crown. He has short curly black-brown hair and blue eyes. In His right hand He carries a golden sceptre. On this golden sceptre is a cross made of rubies. In His left hand, the King of Mercy carries the Vulgate (Holy Scriptures). The sphere of light beneath the King of Mercy opens. An angel emerges from this ball of light. He kneels in the air, spreads out his arms and it looks to me as if he is carrying his heavenly king with outstretched arms. The smaller spheres of light on the right and left open up in the same way. There are nine smaller balls of light together and an angel emerges from each smaller ball of light. The angels spread out the red royal cloak of the King of Mercy. The robe and cloak are embroidered with golden lilies. The heavenly King carries a radiant white host on His chest, where His heart is usually to be seen. This white host bears the golden initials IHS. A cross can be seen above the first line of the H. Now the angels spread wide the royal mantle of the heavenly King and sing: "Sanctus, sanctus,..." First in Latin. (Own note: We were later able to identify the angels' song. It is the "Sanctus" from the 8th Gregorian Angel Mass, the "Missa des Angelis", which I unfortunately do not know). Then the angels pray it in German: "Holy, holy, holy, Lord of all powers and might! Heaven and earth are filled with your glory! Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!"
The King of Mercy looks upon us and speaks:
"In the name of the Father and of the Son - that is I - and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Dear friends, today heaven is open to you. I come to you as King of Mercy and see, you are fragile vessels. I give everyone the grace that makes them blessed, that makes them holy! Everyone receives different talents from the Eternal Father in Heaven. Let these graces blossom in Me! If you pray and fulfill the will of the Eternal Father, you, dear vessels, will not break, but you will become holy vessels of the Eternal Father, living holy temple vessels, of the Father, of the Son - My vessels - and of the Holy Spirit. In this time of tribulation I give away My graces in abundance! Many people do not want to accept them, do not want to accept Me. Their hearts are hardened. I have come to you today to imprint My Face in your hearts. I want to take your hearts into My Heart so that you are all secure in Me, for I am your Savior! If you are in My heart, you also share in My lifeblood, in My Precious Blood."
Now the Vulgate (Holy Scripture) opens in His left hand and beautiful rays come down from it to us. I see the biblical passage of the 2nd letter to Timothy, 2 - 3, 9.
The divine King speaks:
"Read and meditate on the Scriptures! This is the Word of God, My Word! Pray the Psalms, for they make you whole! Would you like to give Me the prayer of the prophetess Hannah from the Old Testament?"
M.: "Lord, unfortunately I don't know this. Was there a prophetess Hannah in the Old Testament? I'll look it up and then I'll give it to you!"
(Own note: Later we researched the Bible passage: 1 Samuel, 2: "Hannah sang a song of praise: The Lord fills my heart with great joy, he lifts me up and gives me new strength!...")
The King of Mercy points with His sceptre to the host on His chest and speaks:
"I am the living Bread that has come to you from Heaven! Daily I offer Myself in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass! In the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass of My Church. Consider this! I come to you daily."
Now the heavenly King carries a chalice under the Host on His breast. A heart can now be seen on the host with a flame on the heart. The chalice that the Lord carries in His hand consists of a golden chalice base decorated with golden lilies. The open lily flowers point upwards towards the bowl of the chalice. The agate bowl of His Last Supper can be seen at the top of the chalice base. This is kept in the Cathedral of Valencia. From the heart of the King of Mercy, a stream of His blood flows from His heart wound into this chalice. The blood of Christ, however, cannot be compared to earthly blood, but is glorified, radiant blood. The King of Mercy takes His sceptre and dips it into this cup and speaks:
"This is the cup of the new and everlasting covenant, My blood, shed for you and for many, for the forgiveness of sins!"
Then the heavenly King sprinkles us with His Precious Blood and blesses us with the words "In the name of the Father and of the Son - that is I - and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."
The King of Mercy looks at me and calls out to me: "Come!"
M.: "I... shall come?"
Then the Lord floats to me and hands me the cup of His blood. I open my mouth and may receive the Precious Blood from Him, which does not taste bitter at all, but sweet.
Then says the King of heaven:
"Pray for My Holy Church! Remain steadfast, remain faithful to Me! I have opened heaven for you today, I have sprinkled you with My Precious Blood and I have handed you the chalice. My graces are given away abundantly, here in this place, because I am the Lord and because it is My will."
The King of Mercy looks at us all for a long time. His gaze goes to each person and He speaks:
"Look to Me! I am your Savior and Redeemer! Do not look to the spirit of the age and the waves of error. Error will not endure. You have accepted the mission of heaven, the mission of the Eternal Father, My mission and the mission of the Holy Spirit, through My messenger, the Holy Archangel Michael. This is your grace. My most holy Mother Mary planted the mustard seed of faith and holiness in Germany. People did not listen to Her words. But the plant sprouted from the grain. Whoever listens to My word will not be lost. Ask for mercy for your country! So your land will not be lost. It is time to set out! Prayer, penance, sacrifice, reparation! Offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, in that I am whole, in reparation for the offenses of God, the Eternal Father. Rejoice, for I am with you! I will not leave you!"
The Lord slowly floats back.
M.: "Serviam, Lord. Farewell!"
The King of Mercy blesses us:
"In the name of the Father and of the Son - that is I - and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."
As the King of Mercy moves further away, He desires prayer:
"O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of Thy mercy. Amen."
The heavenly king goes back into the light and disappears. So do the angels.
This message is given without prejudice to the judgment of the Roman Catholic Church.
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Please look at the Bible passages 2 Letter to Timothy 2 - 3, 9 and 1 Samuel 2 for the message!
The Second Letter to Timothy, Chapter 2
Selfless Service for Christ
3 Suffer with me as a good soldier of Christ Jesus.
9 For which I have to suffer, being bound even as a criminal; but the word of God is not bound.
The First Book of Samuel, Chapter 2
1 Hannah prayed. She said, My heart is full of joy in the Lord, / Great strength the Lord gives me; / Wide open is my mouth against my enemies; / For I rejoice in your help.
2 No one is holy but the Lord; / for apart from you there is none (God); / none is a rock like our God.
3 Speak not always so presumptuously, / no impudent word come out of your mouth; / for the Lord is a knowing God / and with him deeds are tested.
4 The bow of heroes will be broken, / but the wavering will gird themselves with strength.
5 Those who are full will be in want of bread, / but the hungry can feast forever. / The barren will have seven children, / but the rich will wither away.
6 The Lord makes dead and alive, / he leads down to the realm of the dead and also leads up.
7 The Lord makes poor and makes rich, / he humbles and he exalts.
8 He lifts up the weak from the dust / and exalts the poor who lie in the dirt; / he gives him a seat with the noble, / he assigns him a place of honor. / Yes, the pillars of the earth belong to the Lord; / on them he has founded the world.
9 He guards the footsteps of his pious ones, / but the wicked fall silent in the darkness; / for man is not strong by his own strength.
10 Whoever fights against the Lord will be broken, / the Most High will cause the heavens to thunder, / the Lord will execute judgment to the ends of the earth, / he will give strength to his king / and increase the power of his anointed.
11 Then Elkanah returned to his house in Ramah, but from then on the boy was in the service of the Lord under the supervision of Eli the priest.
The Guilt of the House of Eli
12 The sons of Eli were good-for-nothing people. They did not care for the Lord
13 and they used to behave this way toward the people: Whenever anyone offered a sacrifice and cooked the meat, a servant of the priest would come with a three-pronged fork in his hand.
14 He thrust into the kettle or the pot, into the basin or the bowl, and everything the fork brought up the priest took for himself. So they did with all the Israelites who came to Shiloh.
15 Even before the fat was burned, the priest's servant came and said to the man who was offering, "Give me meat to roast for the priest; but he will not accept cooked meat from you, only raw.
16 When the man replied, "First let the fat go up in smoke, then take what your heart desires," the servant said to him, "No, give it to me at once, or I will take it by force.
17 The sin of the young men was very grievous in the eyes of the Lord, for they treated the Lord's offering with contempt.
18 But young Samuel ministered in the presence of the Lord, clothed in the linen ephod.
19 His mother kept making him a small outer garment and bringing it to him every year when she went up with her husband to offer the annual sacrifice.
20 Then Eli blessed Elkanah and his wife, saying, "The Lord give you other offspring from this woman for the one he has asked of you. Then they returned to their hometown.
21 Now the Lord took Hannah; she conceived and had three more sons and two daughters. And the boy Samuel grew up with the Lord.
22 Eli had grown very old. He heard about everything his sons were doing to all the Israelites, including that they were sleeping with the women who were at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting.
23 He said to them: Why do you do such a thing? Why do I have to hear such bad things about you from all people?
24 No, my sons, what I hear being spread about you among the Lord's people is not good.
25 If a man sins against a man, God can be the arbiter. But if a man sins against the Lord, who can intercede for him? But they did not listen to the voice of their father; for the Lord was determined to let them perish.
26 But the boy Samuel grew up and gained more and more favor with the Lord and also with the people.
27 Then a man of God came to Eli and said to him, "Thus says the Lord, 'Did I not reveal myself clearly to your father's house when your ancestors in Egypt belonged to Pharaoh's house?
28 I chose them for myself as priests from all the tribes of Israel, so that they might go up to my altar, offer the incense offering, and carry the ephod before my eyes. I have also given to your father's house all the fire offerings of the Israelites.
29 So why do you disregard sacrifices and grain offerings that I have commanded out of resentment? Why do you honor your sons more than me, and why do you fatten yourselves with the best of all the offerings of my people Israel?
30 Therefore, says the Lord, the God of Israel: I had firmly promised: Your house and your father's house shall do their service before my face forever. But now, says the Lord, 'Far be it from me, for I will honor only those who honor me, but those who despise me will be put to shame.
31 The days will come when I will cut off your arm and destroy the power of your father's house; there will no longer be an old man in your house.
32 You will look with envy at all the good the Lord will do for Israel. Never again will there be an old man in your house.
33 Only one will I not tear away from my altar, when I break your eyes and cause your soul to languish; but all the offspring of your house will die in their prime.
34 And this shall be the sign that shall be realized in your two sons Hofni and Pinhas: Both of them shall die in one day.
35 But I will appoint for myself a reliable priest who will act according to my heart and according to my purpose. I will build him a house that will endure, and he will always perform his service in the sight of my anointed.
36 Then whoever is left of your house will come and prostrate himself before him for a coin or a loaf of bread, saying, 'Admit me to one of the priestly groups, that I may have a piece of bread to eat.