Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, November 27, 2023
The Coming of a Great Storm Will Bring You to Your Knees
Republishing of Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on November 24, 2013

God the Father, the Almighty God, looks with sorrow at the situation of this Humanity that has fallen into the trap of the Devil.
Beloved Children: be converted! The time has come to return Home:
God the Father is waiting to re-embrace His beloved creatures. It is the hour of the great apostasy: tribulation reigns on Earth, the Church has fallen into the hands of Satan. My Sacred Heart cries out for your conversion!!! Tremble O men, tremble! The coming of a great storm will bring you to your knees. Be on the alert, prepare yourselves! Pray and fast from the things of the world: offer sacrifices and ask My forgiveness, invoke My Mercy. Thunder My wrath!
The world is in Satan's fiery furnace: it notices nothing, it waits for everything to pass and serenity to return, but nothing will be the same as before.
Verily, verily, I say unto you:
the former things shall pass away ... but ... never shall My Word pass away!
My children,
I ask for your conversion, I long for your salvation. The mantle of the Blessed Virgin already opens to protect her Children: all those who in faithfulness and love have given themselves out of love to Love .
Behold, I am the Handmaid of the Lord!
Beloved My Jesus, My Son: to You I come as Your Apostle, to serve You with joy in the mandate entrusted to Me for the triumph of the Last Earthly Work in love and charity.
I rejoice over the Children You have given Me: they are proud, walking by My side and flying the flag of love. They are faithful servants, bold soldiers, ready to die for You, My Lord Jesus, ... they await with love Your Return in glory. They are docile as lambs, they follow Your discipline: I, Most Holy Mary, instruct them according to Your Commands; they prostrate themselves with faithful love and follow Me joyfully because everything smells of You. What wonderful children You have given Me, Lord!
I weep for joy at this wonderful gift of Yours to Me, Your Mother and their Mother... They love Me, they stretch out their little hands to Me to be accompanied through this valley of tears: they feel secure at My side, I instruct them of You. Onward people of God!
Onward children of the Most High! Behold, we have come to the final confrontation against Satan:
... you, My children, are already victorious in the Victorious God, your King: The King of kings!
Source: ➥