Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
America, America… Your People Will Groan! And You My Italy, Where Have You Gone?
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on November 6, 2023

Beloved daughter it is God the Father who comes to you, to tell you all His sorrow for this wicked Humanity:
I need the help of My Children, that they may bring to mankind My message of love and salvation!
Practice the Laws of Love, O men, God, your true God, is infinite Love! Return to the true Doctrine of God and serve Him with all your yes in faithfulness and true love.
I say to this endangered Humanity:
Satan is playing on men's lives ... and they are showing themselves docile and consenting to his mocking game. It is time for man to open his eyes: his ordeal will be terrible if he does not remedy "now"! It is urgent your conversion O man!!! Wake up! Rise up! Return to Life! Abandon Death!!!
Beloved Children:
be vigilant, the war is on and,... it will not stop! Man's pact with Satan has taken place: he has sold his soul to his enemy. Poor men!
The imminent arrival of an asteroid will be a sign of My wrath! You have denied your Creator to follow Death! You have destroyed every good thing! You have poisoned the earth, the water and above all your soul: you will not find salvation unless you ask forgiveness for the evil you have committed. In My Triune Godhead, I call My people back to Me: I call them back to be saved.
Do not be deaf to My call to salvation, O man! I am your Father, your only Good! No more wickedness! Repent: return to Life, forsake Evil; rise up mightily, renounce Satan's curse, plead My Mercy.
The last trumpet is about to be blown:
the Angel of God, will call to extreme vigilance: ... you are witnessing the unleashing of nature and war.
America, America:
why have you turned your back on your Creator? Why have you turned away from Him? Satan has succeeded in blowing his evil into your heart: you are full of misery, imbued with wickedness. America, America-your people will groan!
And you My Italy, where have you gone?
From your breast, today gushes infinite evil: your sign is in death! Thou hast sold thyself to the enemy: thou hast yielded to his flattery, thou hast turned thy back on Me!
And you, My Church, you who once radiated from Me, you have risen to Me, ...
you fight Me! You have opened the gates of My House to enemies, Yet you have sold Me!!! For a paltry piece of silver You will lose Your life!!! Behold, I come in at full force to undermine the traitors from My House!
I come to claim what belongs to Me. It will be the end of the wicked ... and it will be glory for My followers: those who in faithfulness and true love have been following Me, honoring and glorifying Me with their sincere "fiat."
Darkness will come suddenly:
thunder and lightning will strike the earth. I must put an end to this cloaca. Behold, My "BASTA" is already upon this Humanity, forgetful of its Creator.
Source: ➥