Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, November 4, 2023
Pray for our Blessed Mother’s Intentions
Message from Our Lady Queen to Valentina Papagna in Sydney, Australia on October 22, 2023

Today, I was invited, along with others, to my friends Veronique and Eileen’s house for prayer and sharing the Holy Word of our Lord Jesus and Holy Mother Mary Most Holy, and to pray the Cenacle Rosary prayers.
Before we started to pray the Cenacle Rosary, Veronique announced, “Today, we will offer the Holy Rosary for the intentions of our Blessed Mother.”
The next day at home, while I was saying my prayers, Blessed Mother appeared and revealed something very beautiful about the Cenacle Rosary prayer gathering as soon as we started to pray.
Blessed Mother came and said, “Tell Veronique, I was waiting for that moment where she offered the Rosary for My intention. It was for the horrible war between Israel and Gaza. At that moment, I quickly snatched My children away not to be killed, and My Son, at that moment, gave a miracle before the bomb hit that area. It was totally God’s intention.”
“I really thank you, My children, for offering the Rosary for My intention. The Cenacle Rosary is really powerful. If only people would understand what prayer can do, to help others, to save lives in danger, especially in this cruel and brutal war, where they hate one another.” She said.
“Let not prayer tire you down, My children. My Son loves you so much and always gives you graces for your own intentions as well, because He knows your needs. By praying, you receive a very special blessing today.”
“I, your sorrowful Mother, love you and grieve for the children in this horrible war. Console Me for the many tears I’m shedding from My Motherly eyes.”
When Blessed Mother was sharing this message with me, she was giving me a vision of the crying and suffering of the people in the war zone in Gaza. She, herself, cried as a real mother.
Thank You, Lord Jesus and Blessed Mother Mary, most Holy, for the poor children in the war zone.
Source: ➥