Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
My Children, I Love You and I Ask You for Prayer, Children What I Have Long Announced to You Is About to Be Fulfilled, Pray Children Pray
Message from Our Lady to Simona in Zaro di Ischia, Italy of October 26, 2023

I saw Mother, She was sitting on a throne, on Her head a queen's crown and a thin white veil, on Her shoulders a red mantle and a blue dress, on Her knees sitting She had baby Jesus dressed in a white tunic, a king's crown on His head and in His hands a scepter.
Praised be Jesus Christ
My dear children, I love you. My children,I have been coming among you for a long time, I come to you children to help you, to admonish you, to guide you, to ask for prayer, but you My children do not listen to Me and even less put My advice into practice. My children, I love you and I am close to you, like a mother I admonish you lest you fall into a ravine, children I ask, I do not impose, I ask, I do not command. My children, your every doubt hurts Me, your every fall tears Me, your every sin rips My heart open, but I My children am always here close to each of you ready to reach out and help you. My children, I call you each by name, My children I know you all and I love you all, I call you by name and I wait for you to answer Me and say your yes, your here I am. My children, with infinite patience I wait, I love you and I will never tire of loving you, no matter how much you may err I am always ready to welcome you. My children, I love you and I ask you for prayer, children what I have long announced to you is about to be fulfilled, pray children pray, live the Holy Sacraments, do not turn away from My Immaculate Heart, pray children and remain firm in the faith.
I love you children, I love you.
Now I give you My holy blessing.
Thank you for flocking to Me.