Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, October 23, 2023
Do Not Forget It My Children, My Heart Is Your Refuge!
Message of Our Lady to Marco Ferrari in Paratico, Brescia, Italy, During the Prayer of the 4th Sunday of the Month on October 22, 2023

My dear and beloved children, thank you for coming here in prayer and thank you for your witness of faith!
Beloved children, today humanity is experiencing a time of darkness and confusion, of fear and darkness! Black clouds are thickening, the smoke of Satan has taken hold of the hearts and minds of so many of My children. Pray, children!
My children, My Heart suffers tremendously because My call to be prayerful, to love and to be peacemakers has not been heard even in this place so dear to Me.
Seduced by Satan, how many of My children have lost the light, love and peace of heart, yes, they have lost the true light that comes from the Heart of God and is needed to walk on the right path.
Do not abandon the path I have invited you to follow in these years: of prayer, of witnessing, of sharing, of faithfulness to His Word, of a life of grace, of love and holiness! Children, pray! There is still time, children, pray!
I welcome you all into My Heart and bless you, this is your refuge, do not forget it My children, My Heart is your refuge!
I bless you all, especially those who suffer, in the name of God Who is Father, God Who is Son, God Who is Spirit of Love. Amen.
I kiss you, hold you close to Me and accompany you every day.
Ciao, My children.
Source: ➥