Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, September 29, 2023
Stay Away from Every Novelty That They Intend to Impose in the Synod of Asmodeo, Because This Synod Is the Synod of Impurity
Message of St. Pio of Pietrelchina to Benedicta of the Cross, a Colombian religious brethren, on September 23, 2023

The peace of My Lord Jesus Christ be with you, brethren.
[He begins with a message to our community and then continues, saying:]
Benedicta, listen well to what I come to tell you:
the coming month will be one of great confusion for the whole Church, it will be the month where the apostasy and the stench that is in Her will be openly seen.
The Synod, which will begin shortly, will destroy the Catholic faith in many, and this will be possible with the help of the Purpurates and Scarlets.
Many of them will openly defend all the heresies and aberrations that will be implemented in this Synod, even some of them will go to the extent of defending the impostor Pope and will call him legitimate Successor of Peter.
Satan is the one who has blinded them, but everything will be given to fulfill the Scriptures, for they will look without seeing and hear without hearing (1), they will be like the blind leading the blind (2) and their mind will be dull (3).
Be alert, because many changes will be given within the Church, changes that will modify the Mandate of God and all this will be given in a very subtle climate and of apparent fraternity, which will deceive many. Few will notice these changes, until the Church will be totally eclipsed and the true Church will be detached from it, leaving only the impostor, a false church, but with all the appearance of being legitimate and which will be dominated by Satan.
(1) Mt 13, 14
(2) Mt 15:14
(3) Psalm 119 (118), 70
This false church will lead many into error and condemnation.
It is of great importance that you strengthen yourselves with the daily prayer of the Holy Rosary, fasting and penance cannot be lacking, you should not be ashamed to show the world your Christian roots, be exemplary in your conduct, all are called to holiness.
The world will want to destroy you by all means and will lead many to martyrdom.
And just as in other times the Church was embellished with the Blood of the Martyrs, so will it be again. It will be greatly reduced in members, it will shine by its poverty and humility, and its glory will be even greater than that of former times.
Your glory, like that of every true Christian, is marked with the sign of the Cross and anyone who denies the Cross of Christ is the devil and is anathema.
In the same way, anyone who denies Our Lady and does not have her as Mother will find salvation impossible.
Look, the time has come when the intention of many hearts will become clear and not everything that appears to be, is.
This is prophesied.
All will see thistles and thorns sprout from the bosom of your families, your own enemies will come out of the family nucleus, they will hate you and persecute you to death for the name of Christ and many will have to flee from their families as from enemies.
Satan, by destroying with his cunning the family nucleus has destroyed any hope of vocation, including the religious one.
Fewer and fewer priests committed to God and His true Church will be seen. And the few that will leave, for the most part, will be to destroy the little Catholic faith that remains and bear witness to Satan and not to Christ.
Flee from these perverted priests, do not listen to the serpent, who speaks through their blasphemous and proud mouths.
Do not open the doors of the convents to false vocations, examine every spirit that comes to the door, for not every spirit comes from God.
Be faithful to the Commandments of God and His doctrine, stay away from every novelty that they intend to impose in the Synod of Asmodeo, because this Synod is the Synod of impurity.
Be on your guard, for they will want to destroy the whole Christian faith, they will want to turn your temples, and even your homes, into synagogues of impurity and of all kinds of sins.
Demons will take your children and pervert them. The schools and places of study will deform the minds of the children and will corrupt them with all kinds of impurities and false ideologies, the values will be changed.
Source: ➥