Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, September 29, 2023
It Is Time for the Final Challenge: Either with Me or against Me!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of September 24, 2023

It is time for the final challenge: either with Me or against Me!
Beloved handmaid, your God tells you: the time is concluded; now, all hell will break loose on Earth! The hours are numbered, the eruption of Vesuvius will determine the hour of warning!
My Chalice overflows, My Blood bathes the earth, this Humanity, hardened in sin, does not want to awaken from the grip of the Ancient Serpent.
An unspeakable drama is about to take place on Earth, man will suffer as he has never suffered, the ground will burn, the air will be unbreathable, the wind will blow as it has never blown, the mountains will crumble because of earthquakes that will not cease to manifest, ...this is the hour of the great apostasy!
These prophecies have been foretold to you for centuries, by My Blessed Mother and My prophets, but your ears have remained closed to hearing My Word, have given yourselves to Satan.
Still today I thunder My voice, but man remains deaf to My call: I will not be able to intervene to help those who reject Me. My Sacred Heart weeps, ...I shall lose many children!
Satan has deployed his accursed angels all over the Earth, but I, I God, am sending My Heavenly Army headed by Saint Michael the Archangel. I will put an end to heresy. Enough! Enough! Tremendous shall be My Justice on the wicked!!!
My beloved People, those faithful to Me, weep at the foot of My Cross, prostrate to Me they implore Mercy! ...Enough! ...My Chalice is poured out, the time is over, come to Me My blessed Children, behold the door of My Sacred Heart opens for you, I will shelter you in It and sustain you eternally in My Holy Blessing.
Love Me, O men, decide for Me, do not be foolish, the winter will bring great destruction and will be weeping and gnashing of teeth for many!
I thunder with power My Voice!!! Save yourselves O men, save yourselves!!! My wrath will be great on those who have turned their backs on Me, on those who have turned My Children away from Me by diverting them to the way of perdition.
Earth trembles, rivers overflow, seas rise,
mountains crumble, volcanoes erupt, the Earth opens
but man pays no attention to these signs, run by the cursed Serpent.
Abominable Synod!!!
My curse will fall on this bandwagon!!! They will erase My holy name! Another god will be raised in My place, ... it will be the ruin of this Humanity.
Verily I say unto you, I will speak My Word through My Elect, and I will write My victorious Holy Name in heaven. I am the One Who created everything and I will take it all back in Me.
Soon this Humanity will know the Face of its Creator!
It is the hour of the final challenge: either with Me or against Me!
God has spoken!
NB. Cf. Psalm 18 (17) Song of salvation.
Source: ➥