Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, September 18, 2023
The Word of God Is One and One Will Remain Forever!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of September 16, 2023

Hear My Voice O men, do not deviate from the ways of the Holy Gospel. My Return is near, do not be found unprepared. Read the Holy Scriptures, put in you of Me, I am your Father, the Creator, do not listen to unrighteous man, do not make yourselves great behind science, all is lost, ...only one thing will remain: the Word of God!
Therefore, My children: still I call you to conversion!
Be circumspect not to be clung to by the Lie, the Truth is One and is in Him Who "Is"! There are not two paths of salvation but One and it is the "narrow" one that leads to Me, the one and only true God!
My children, prepare yourselves:
a great sorrow will sweep the Earth, men will not know where to take shelter, if they have not returned to the Truth. The warning is now upon you My children, your hearts be in Me, your homes prepared to overcome the moment of the great challenge against the Devil. Be united with Me, supplicate My Mercy, and pray as you have never prayed because tremendous is the hour!
Love My creatures, I cry out My infinite sorrow for those who still mock these appeals of Mine for salvation and conversion. Do not be stubborn O men: have love for yourselves, allow Me to save you by returning to Me in humility, ask Me with a contrite heart for the forgiveness of your sins!!!
The Blessed Virgin opens Her Mantle over Her Children: they will be safe in Her.
Consecrate yourselves to Her Immaculate Heart, O men, let Her lead you to Me.
You are about to witness the greatest destruction that has ever occurred in the history of the Church!
Pray My children,
turn away from the false church, ... the food that is given to you is not blessed by Me. I love you and await you "converted."
Shortly My Children will enter My blessed Garden where they will have life in Me forever!
Source: ➥