Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, September 16, 2023
It Is Time for Battle, Time to Fight against Satan and His Synagogue
Message of St. Joan of Arc (Jeanne d'Arc) given to Mario D'Ignazio, Seer of the Blessed Garden of Brindisi, Italy on August 3, 2023

It is time for battle, time to fight against Satan and his synagogue. The Pharisees are among you, the New World Order will soon be established. Pray, always pray.
The Times are dark, and Satan rules the misled nations.
Free yourselves from iniquity, love Jesus Crucified.
Do not be afraid, Jesus always wins.
Bring your medals on, drink holy water.
Fast, glorify Jesus the Redeemer, rely on Him alone.
Have faith in Jesus, He brings peace to hearts.
Jesus came among His own, but His own did not receive Him.
He healed many, but He was not believed.
He was killed for envy, mocked, mocked, insulted.
Under the Cross remained Mary and St. John, representing the Little Remnant and the true believer.
Love Mary, listen to Mary, FOLLOW Her on the Road to Fatima.
Do not deny Jesus, but the unrighteous man who will come.
Repair Jesus in the Eucharist. Consecrate yourselves to Jesus King of kings, Lord of lords, the Glorious Redeemer.
You who fall, get up again.
You who sin, confess yourselves.
You who fall down, find strength in Jesus.
Do not judge lest you be judged.
Love as Jesus loves.
By love you will be recognized as His disciples.
God is Love, forgive and you will be forgiven.
Invoke Mary Most Holy.
Invocation to Mary Most Holy
given by St. Jeanne d'Arc to Mario D'Ignazio on August 3, 2023
Queen of Immaculate Victory, Warrior of the Father, guide of the Little Remnant to triumph over Satan and his false worldly church, make us simple, modest, humble and meek.
Make us similar to Your Son.
Save us from satanic imposture, from every obsession.
Deliver us from every evil spell, imprecation, envy, curse and witchcraft.
Make us hear Your Appeal, and believe in You more and more.
Bless us, O Divine Mother, and cover us with Thy Mantle, radiant Morning Star.
Sustain us in our struggle against the darkness that has descended upon the world.
Be Thou blessed, praised and glorified as Theotókos. Amen.
Saint Jeanne d'Arc
Joan was born to a propertied peasant family at Domrémy in northeast France. In 1428, she requested to be taken to Charles, later testifying that she was guided by visions from the archangel Michael, Saint Margaret, and Saint Catherine to help him save France from English domination. Convinced of her devotion and purity, Charles sent Joan, who was about seventeen years old, to the siege of Orléans as part of a relief army. She arrived at the city in April 1429, wielding her banner and bringing hope to the demoralized French army. Nine days after her arrival, the English abandoned the siege. Joan encouraged the French to aggressively pursue the English during the Loire Campaign, which culminated in another decisive victory at Patay, opening the way for the French army to advance on Reims unopposed, where Charles was crowned as the King of France with Joan at his side. These victories boosted French morale, paving the way for their final triumph in the Hundred Years' War several decades later.
After Charles's coronation, Joan participated in the unsuccessful siege of Paris in September 1429 and the failed siege of La Charité in November. Her role in these defeats reduced the court's faith in her. In early 1430, Joan organized a company of volunteers to relieve Compiègne, which had been besieged by the Burgundians—French allies of the English. She was captured by Burgundian troops on 23 May. After trying unsuccessfully to escape, she was handed to the English in November. She was put on trial by Bishop Pierre Cauchon on accusations of heresy, which included blaspheming by wearing men's clothes, acting upon visions that were demonic, and refusing to submit her words and deeds to the judgment of the church. She was declared guilty and burned at the stake on 30 May 1431, aged about nineteen.
In 1456, an inquisitorial court reinvestigated Joan's trial and overturned the verdict, declaring that it was tainted by deceit and procedural errors. Joan has been revered as a martyr, and viewed as an obedient daughter of the Roman Catholic Church, an early feminist, and a symbol of freedom and independence. After the French Revolution, she became a national symbol of France. In 1920, Joan of Arc was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church and, two years later, was declared one of the patron saints of France.
The prophecies of the End Times given to Mario D'Ignazio, seer of the Blessed Garden in Brindisi