Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, September 3, 2023
Mary the Immaculate
Message of Our Lady Queen to Valeria Copponi in Rome, Italy on August 30, 2023

My children, I have gathered you here so that your prayers, go up to heaven and My Son Jesus, hears you and blesses you since, in these times, you need His Presence more and more.
I say to you, indeed, I recommend, pray more and more for My children who are disobedient to God's laws.
They do not understand and, unfortunately do not realize that, these being the last times for you, poor sinners, you will have to approach more often and with more love, the altar of redemption.
I want to help you but you, try to understand that, never more than in these times, you need forgiveness. Your Father shows you more and more, what your life would be like without His help.
You no longer seek God's help and your Father leaves you at the mercy of Satan. I am always ready to accept your supplications to present your needs to God but, you, My children, forget more and more, that only from heaven, can true help come to you.
Pray and fast if you want the reward that will open to you the gates of Heaven. I beg you pray and make others pray since times are short. I bless you.
Mary the Immaculate.
Source: ➥