Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, August 10, 2023
YOU ARE IN MY TIME, the Third Millennium
Message of the Holy Spirit given to Mario D'Ignazio, Seer of the Blessed Garden of Brindisi, Italy on May 13, 2023

Invoke the New Pentecost. Follow the Way of Fatima, turn away from the heretical-Masonic false church.
The family tree is often tainted by non-good ancestors.
Remember God's Word "SIN IS IN THE Flesh." The worst temptations happen because of the weakness of the flesh,
Many bishops and priests are lost, following Satan. Watch out. Many of them serve Satan, and have ruined much of the Lord's Vineyard, and Tradition. Do not follow them.
There is little time left to repent and be reconciled with God. You are still in time to enter the SMALL SPIRITUAL REST. Always recognize yourselves as creatures, sinners to be redeemed. Remember that the FLAGS will descend and the Cup of Divine Wrath will overflow. Seek to save yourselves and to save souls.
You are alone with Jesus, and you will be more and more alone.