Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, August 8, 2023
Man Did Not Pay Attention to the Love of His Creator!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of August 7, 2023

You were in My Womb:
I nourished you with Me, I made you godly men, you grew saplings in Me,
until a rushing wind swept you away from Me to take you where I was not!
Damn the wind!!! ...
The Devil took you into Himself, transformed you in your hearts, took you away from Me, put you of Himself: ... Poor men!
You yielded to the illusion of a wretched and mortal god, you renounced eternal life preferring Lucifer to Me, your Creator God; you lost of all My Good, and so sorrow and distress came into you. Evil took hold of your heart, you entered darkness, you were nourished with Lucifer's poison, and, now weak of Me, you could not return to Me! The atrocities of mortal life took over Humanity now poor in heavenly gifts, dismembered of My Divinity, nothing could you do anymore.
The clear life was gone, dark death overpowered it, took possession of Man unfaithful to his Creator and ... was his downfall.
God, in His great Mercy did not hide Himself from man, but continued to love him and call him back to Himself.
The Eternal One manifested Himself in history through signs and wonders ...
but man did not pay attention to the Love of his Creator and continued in his embodied misery to fight Good, preferring Evil. In this time of the end, the Lord will intervene with power to take back into Himself all that belongs to Him!
The fight between Good and Evil will be challenging, but God already has victory in Himself. Love your Creator God: do not put obstacles in the way of His great Mercy! Prostrate yourselves to Him and ask for His forgiveness in order to be once again admitted to Life. My Sacred Heart beats, its heartbeat is Love , Love for all His Children: …
Return to Me, now, My children! Do not get lost in the dark!... Soon it will be only weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Source: ➥