Messages from Diverse Sources


Monday, August 7, 2023

Prayer Is the Only Source of Love That Unites You with Heaven

Message from Our Lord Jesus to the Holy Trinity Love Group in Oliveto Citra, Salerno, Italy on August 6, 2023, First Sunday of the Month


Brothers and sisters, I am your Brother Jesus, the One who conquered death and sin, I am your Savior, the King of Kings. I have descended with great power together with My Mother Most Holy Mary, My Mother, Mother of you and of the whole world, together with God the Father Almighty, the Holy Trinity is here in your midst, the Angels and the Saints are in your midst.

Brothers and sisters, today is a very special day for Me and for all of you, I wish to make you understand more and more how great and immense is the love for all of you. Prayer is the only source of love that unites you with Heaven, always do this with all your heart so that you may understand more and more the immense love I have for all mankind. I have taught My Apostles to love, to love one another, in love all that your heart desires is realized, always do it with commitment, without distraction. Evil does everything to keep you from reaching the goals that the Holy Trinity has prepared for all of you, the goals that await you, the joys we have promised you. Brothers and sisters make haste to overcome, I say to you and to the whole world, times of great trials await you that you will have to overcome. The world does not understand why evil is doing everything to turn them away from the path I have indicated, that of the salvation of your souls. The times the world is experiencing are times of anguish, of suffering, brothers and sisters have faith, believe and do not be discouraged by Satan, he is always ready to set one against the other, he does not love, he wants war, so brothers and sisters pray that so many souls understand and save their souls. All that is happening in the world was announced by My Mother at Fatima and all over the world, but the Church never wanted to reveal all that. Brothers and sisters, pray, pray pray and the Angels will be near you to protect you.

Brothers and sisters, I must leave you now, but soon I will return to help you understand more and more. I give you the blessing of the Holy Trinity, in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Peace My brothers, peace My sisters.

Source: ➥