Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, August 1, 2023
The Arrival of a Melting Planet Will Be the Warning!!!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of July 29, 2023

The arrival of a Melting Planet will be the warning!!!
Here I am to you My sweet bride, write to My beloved people.
Beloved children, you have come to the end of the race: shortly you must devote yourselves completely to Me. Be ready, with your shoes on your feet, your hips girded and your staff in your hands because suddenly you will find yourselves having to abandon everything you own to run to Me. Pray My children, pray, turn away from the world, do not meddle with the children of Satan. Verily I say unto you, behold, all things are fulfilled! This coming season will have great surprises! Do not toil for that which you do not need, but serve Me, your God Love, to be caught up at the time that I will call you. The gathering of God's children is imminent, the heavenly vault will open to accomplish on this Humanity the separation of the good from the bad.
This Humanity has gone into darkness and serves Satan: she does not want to repent; she continues her dastardly race toward eternal death. Peace to you, My children, to you who call Me Father, to you who wait for Me with hearts full of joy, ... trembling in love to Me.
Wake up, O wicked men! Wake up!
Your condemnation will be great if you do not put away "now" your sins.
The time has come for the gathering of the elect.
Prepare yourselves for the meeting with your God the King!
Source: ➥