Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, July 27, 2023
There Will Be an Attack on Your Financial Systems… This Can Be Mitigated
Message from Our Mother Mary to Anna Marie, an Apostle of the Green Scapular, in Houston, Texas, USA

Anna Marie: My Lady, I hear You calling me. My Dearest Mother Mary, may I ask You please? Will You bow down and adore Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, who was born in Bethlehem, raised in Nazareth. Grew up and was taken, tortured and crucified for all mankind’s sins. He descended to the dear, arose and ascended into Heaven where Jesus now sits at His Father’s right hand side to judge the living and dead?
Mother Mary: Yes My dear one. I your Heavenly Mother Mary will now and will always bow down and adore My beloved Son, Jesus, who is the Christ. He was born in Bethlehem, raised in Nazareth. When He was a man, He preached His Father’s love to the world. He was taken, tortured and crucified for the salvation of sinners. He died, descended to the dead, arose and ascended into Heaven where My Son now sits at His Father’s right hand side to judge the living and the dead.
Anna Marie: Please speak sweet Holy Mother, Your sinful servant is now listening.
Mother Mary: My little one, I know you are busy preparing much for My children, but be in absolute peace. My Son and I will be blessing you for your journey and watching over you.
Anna Marie: Thank You Mother.
Mother Mary: Now you must know a terrible event will soon take place in your nation. There will be an attack on your financial systems that can cause a great and wide-spread ripple effect on many institutions in all states. This can be mitigated and I am asking My beloved children to pray now for this attack to be stopped through their prayers. If My children only knew how many catastrophes have been prevented or mitigated because of their many prayers, they would rejoice because they love My Son and their neighbor too. I am asking you, as a Sorrowful Mother asks her precious children, please pray now that this attack is stopped before it takes place. I know Our Heavenly Father and My Beloved Son will expose the ones who are attempting to instigate it.
Mother Mary: Pray now My beloved ones and be in peace. I love you all. Your Heavenly Mother, Queen of the Green Scapular.
Anna Marie: Dear Mother, no one knows You as Queen of the Green Scapular.
Mother Mary: One day they will all certainly know Me this way.
Anna Marie: Thank You for coming and letting us know. Your Apostles will certainly pray hard. We all love You!
Source: ➥