Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
God Makes All Things New, His Justice Will Be Great: He Will Cleanse the Earth of Satan’s Curse!
Message from Heaven to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of July 23, 2023

I am Archangel Michael, the first soldier of the host of fighting angels.
God has given Me a mandate! I am ready to face the final challenge against Satan.
Prepare yourselves, O men, Heaven is at its venture and will be victorious in its God Love.
Watch, be ready; hold tightly in your hands the weapon that makes Satan tremble, the Rosary. Have living faith in your Creator God! The adversary is ready to hurl his vengeance, but he will not have victory.
God the Father, the Almighty Yahweh, will lower His arm and put an end to Evil. Miserum est!
Puppets in the hands of the Devil, I say to you: your hour has come, My Enough echoes throughout the Earth ... it is the end of an old time! Behold, God makes all things new, His Justice will be great: He will cleanse the Earth of Satan's curse! With love, still I call this Humanity to true conversion!
Man has fallen into the trap of the ancient Serpent, he has lost himself in the illusions of Lucifer;
but verily I say unto you, O men:
REPENT NOW! RENOUNCE SIN! COME BACK TO ME TO FLOWER IN ME: true Life awaits you! Do not be foolish! Renounce Satan and his seductions! This time is concluded: I am about to bring down the curtain on this theater, I will close this story forever! Oh My children, you desire to live and not to die, ... convert! Convert yourselves! God saves!
Source: ➥