Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, July 22, 2023
Your "merciful" Jesus
Message of Our Lord to Valeria Copponi in Rome, Italy on July 19, 2023

My beloved children, may My Ascension into Heaven make you long for Heaven. You know well that times are shortening on your earth and My Father will make these coming days, the beginning of the earthly end.
I beg you, do not waste any more time in this rotten world but, begin to think consciously about the end of this poor world. My Father had given it to you for your welfare but you, you have done nothing but destroy.
I no longer know how to tell you, CONVERT! if you do not want to spend the rest of your lives, in the eternal hell where it will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Look around you and you will see only devastation!
What have you done with all the earthly gifts that My Father has given you!
You have destroyed every good, every good thing and have extinguished on your mouths every smile. Repent while there is still time, ask forgiveness among yourselves and especially from the depths of your hearts, pray to My Father and your Father to forgive all your sins.
I am always with you but times will come that will no longer be enough for you to ask for forgiveness. I am with you but, you entrust your hearts full of mortal sins to Me!
I bless you.
Your "merciful" Jesus.
Source: ➥