Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, July 14, 2023
The Evil King Is Ready to Destroy You
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of July 5, 2023

П: My people, My people! ...
listen to the voice of your Creator God! Return to Him, O man! Darkness already envelops the Earth; your transformation is urgently needed. It is time for urgent conversion; the evil king is ready to destroy you. Do not be foolish My children: open your eyes to the vision of the world, this Humanity lives the scourge of a great apostasy! It is urgent, return to Him who is your Father!
Prostrate before the Crucified One, and, with contrition of heart, ask forgiveness for your sins!
The time for change has come:
God demands His own back! Life waits to take back into Himself all His Children,
waits for man to understand the mistake he has made,
that of embracing sin and denying God's Commandments! My Creature has become weak: she has given herself over to the lure of the Devil,
Satan has imbued the hearts of men with his poison: they no longer have free will, they have become his slaves, he manages their minds!
As a good puppet master he moves the strings at his will, in his favor! Poor Men !!!
Blinded and deprived of their own thought, they follow like zombies the commands of Lucifer.
Awake, O men, awake now!
The mighty thunder of God is imminent.
Source: ➥