Messages from Diverse Sources


Sunday, July 2, 2023

If You Are Humble Your Hearts Will Open to My Love

Message from Our Lady Queen to the Holy Trinity Love Group in Oliveto Citra, Salerno, Italy, 23rd Anniversary of the First Manifestation


My children, I am the Immaculate Conception, I am She who gave birth to the Word, I am the Mother of Jesus and your Mother, I have descended with great power together with My Son Jesus and God the Father Almighty, the Holy Trinity is here among you.

I am very happy to welcome you here where I appeared a few years ago, on that day I was present here for 4 hours, many of My children went here to see Me, not all of them saw Me but they heard the cry of My Son Jesus who was in My arms, some saw Me wrapped in an immense light seeing My silhouette but not My face, that day I bestowed many signs, My Son Jesus performed healings, the whole country came to know about this but not everyone believed, I promised that I would bestow many joys and tangible signs to those who would have the courage to believe. This place has been persecuted by the Church, many of My children have moved away, but those who continued to believe still go here and I am very happy for them.

My children, thank you for being here, many of you have had many obstacles to come here, but My Mantle has protected you all so that today you may have the joy of My presence, of My love for you.

Place in My hands your Rosary beads.

My children, your prayers have gone up to Heaven, these crowns have been blessed by the Most Holy Trinity, I invite you to give them to people who are sick in body and spirit, and when you pray on this day, I will always bless your Rosaries, it will be a special blessing that will give you many signs.

Many of My children will be healed today, some you are here, some will be the ones you have prayed for. Soon many souls will come here, where a multitude of sins will be forgiven, this place is a place of conversion and from today many things will change, many will begin to believe.

My children, many of you do not believe completely, I still wish to give signs, many hearts are beating very fast, many are praying to Me and I wish to please you to thank you for your perseverance.

My children, believe because it is evil that puts doubts to keep you from believing, I desire to give joy in your hearts and if you are humble your hearts will open to My love.

My presence is still very strong among you, this wind that gives you chills is My Mantle that touches you, many feel these chills, I desire to give you My fragrance, close your eyes, I am passing among you, all those who feel My fragrance confirm.

My children, the commotion opens your hearts, be as simple as children, and let the love of My Son Jesus enter your hearts, and represent Him with humility, with joy, be meek to ward off the evil that is in this world, which leads you down wrong paths. Your prayer should be the call to God the Father Almighty who comes to rescue you at the times you need it, illnesses are not always healed, they are for conversion, always accept the will of God the Father Almighty who loves you all and wants to lead you all to Heaven. The world is now adrift; the guidance is in your hearts.

I love you My children, immensely, always gather in prayer on this day that I love so much and I will give you great signs wherever you are. Now I must leave you, I will accompany you to your homes.

I love you, I bless you all, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Shalom! Peace My children.

Source: ➥